O Arglwydd aros - aros gyda ni!

O Arglwydd! aros - aros gyda ni!
Pa beth a wnawn heb Dy gymdeithas Di?
  Pwy leinw'th le?
      Nid cyfoeth, dawn, na dysg:
  Am hyny, Arglwydd, aros yn ein mysg.

Nid addurniadau gwych o ddynol waith,
Na dyddiol gylchoedd o ddefodau, chwaith,
  Ond llewyrch hoff
      Dy bresenoldeb byw,
  Wnai gynt y deml
      yn dŷ i Ti, Dduw!

O Arglwydd! aros - aros yn ein plith!
Ac yna bydd Dy fynydd
    dan y gwlith;
  Daw'n holl rasusau
      i hyfrydaf hwyl,
  A bydd Dy saint fel
      tyrfa'n cadw gwyl.
William Ambrose (Emrys) 1813-73

Tonau []:
Bartholdy (F Mendelssohn-Bartholdy 1809-47)
Deptford (<1875)
Ellers (E J Hopkins 1818-1901)
Gibeon (Samuel Wesley 1691-1739)

O Lord, stay - stay with us!
What shall we do without Thy company?
  Who shall fill thy place?
      Not wealth, talent, nor learning:
  Therefore, Lord, stay in our midst.

Not the brilliant adornments of human work,
Nor the daily cycles of devotions, either,
  But the beloved gleam
      of Thy living presence,
  Would quickly make the temple
      into a house for Thee, God!

O Lord, stay - stay amongst us!
And then Thy mountain shall
    be under the dew;
  All our graces become the
      most delightful joy,
  And Thy saints be as a
      throng keeping a festival.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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