O Arglwydd Awdwr hedd

(Y daith o'r Aipht)
O Arglwydd! Awdwr hedd,
  Tra rhyfedd yw dy ras; 
Ti'm tynaist i, fel yn dy law,
  O'r dywyll Aipht i maes:
Dy wialen di, a'th ffon,
  Rydd im gysuron rhad;
Dy rasol hedd, fy Iesu hael,
  Yw'm gwledd mewn anial wlad.

Pan oedd fy ngobaith gwan
  Yn llesg wrth lan y môr,
Heb genyf ffydd, na nerth i ffoi,
  Yn ebrwydd doi fy Iôr
I'm tywys ar fy nhaith,
  Tua'm hetifeddiaeth rad:
Dy rasol hedd, fy Iesu hael,
  Yw'm gwledd mewn anial wlad.

Tramwyaist o fy mlaen
  Trwy diroedd Basan draw;
Rhoddaist y llu,
    er maint eu llid,
  A'u bro i gyd mewn braw:
Gelynion, yn mhob man,
  A gwympant dan fy nhraed:
Dy rasol hedd, fy Iesu hael,
  Yw'm gwledd mewn anial wlad.

Gwell wyt i'm henaid gwan
  Na tharian, yn ddigêl;
Ar fy ngelynion caed y dydd,
  D'addewid sydd dan sêl;
Can's ffyddlon wyt erioed,
  Mewn ammod o barhâd:
Dy rasol hedd, fy Iesu hael,
  Yw'm gwledd mewn anial wlad.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MBD: 6686D]:
Aberdâr (alaw Ellmynig)
Aberhonddu (John Roberts 1822-77)
Pererin (alaw Gymreig)

(The journey from Egypt)

O Lord, Author of peace,
  How wonderful is thy grace!
Thou didst draw me, as in thy hand,
  Out from the darkness of Egypt:
Thy rod, and thy staff,
  Give me free comfort;
Thy gracious peace, my generous Jesus,
  Is my feast in a desert land.

When my hope was weak,
  Feeble on the shore of the sea,
Without faith or strength for me to flee,
  Quickly would come my Master
To lead me on my journey,
  Towards my free inheritance:
Thy gracious peace, my generous Jesus,
  Is my feast in a desert land.

Thou didst pass before me
  Through the lands of Bashan yonder;
Thou didst put the host,
    despite the extent of their wrath,
  And all their region in terror:
Enemies, in every place,
  Shall fall under my feet:
Thy gracious peace, my generous Jesus,
  Is my feast in a desert land.

Better art thou to my weak soul
  Than a shield, evidently;
Over my enemies the day is won,
  Thy promises are under a seal;
Since faithful art thou ever,
  In terms of endurance:
Thy gracious peace, my generous Jesus,
  Is my feast in a desert land.
tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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