O Arglwydd bydd i ni

O Arglwydd, bydd i ni
  Yn gymorth ar ein taith,
'Does gennym ond Tydi
  All lonni'r anial maith:
Nis gall un gelyn cas,
  Er gwaetha'i nwyd a'i nerth,
Orchfygu allu'th ras,
  Breswylydd mawr y berth.

Er gwanned yw ein ffydd,
  Ni bwyswn arnat Ti
Am newydd nerth bob dydd,
  Nes cyrraedd Canaan fry.
O, gwrando weddi wan
  Y pererinion blin!
A rho Dy hedd yn rhan,
  Can's hyn yw digon dyn.

Ti gei ein mawl ar dân
 Pan adref deuwn ni;
Ni dderfydd byth ein cân
  Am haeddiant Calfari:
Am i Ti gofio'th blant
  A'n cynnal pan yn wan,
Cei glod ar uchel dant
  Drwy'r nefoedd yn y man.
Morgan Gamage Dawkins 1864-1939

Tôn [6666D]: Coed Cerni (Godfrey Williams)

O Lord, be to us
  A help on our journey,
We have no-one but thee
  Who can cheer the vast desert:
No detestable enemy can,
  Despite his passion and his strength,
Overcome the power of thy grace,
  Great Resident of the bush.

Despite how weak is our faith,
  We lean upon thee
For new strength every day,
  Until reaching Canaan above.
O, listen to the weak prayer
  Of the weary pilgrims!
And grant thy peace as a portion,
  Since this is sufficient for man.

Thou shalt get the praise on fire
  When home we come;
Never shall our song cease
  About the merit of Calvary:
Since thou dost remember thy children
  And uphold us when weak,
Thou shalt get the acclaim on a loud string
  Throughout heaven in a while.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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