O Arglwydd clyw fi dan fy nghur

My God my God to thee I cry

(Gwaedd yr Edifeiriol)
O! Arglwydd clyw fi dan fy nghur,
  Mewn gwewyr ddydd a nos,
Yn llefain am faddeuant rhad,
  A'm golchi 'ngwaed y groes.

O! Iesu gwna fi'n gwbwl lân
  O'm holl wahanglwyf du;
Heb hyn nid oes i'm henaid gwan,
  Un gyfran ynot Ti.

Rho imi'r fraint - O! dyro'n rhâd,
  I'th alw'n Dad, O! Dduw;
Trwy Iesu gwiw a'i chwerw gur,
  Gad i bechadur fyw.

Er mwyn yr Aberth ar y bryn,
  Yr Iesu gwyn a'i waed;
O! dywed wrth fy enaid i,
  "Maddeuwyd iti'n rhad."
cyf. Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tôn [MC 8686]: Gwrecsam (alaw Gymreig)

(The Shout of the Repentant)
O Lord, hear me under my stroke,
  In throes day and night!
Crying for free forgiveness,
  And my washing in the blood of the cross.

O Jesus, make me completely pure
  From all my black leprosy!
Without this there is not for my weak soul,
  Any portion in Thee.

Give me the privilege - O give freely,
  To call thee Father, O God!
Through worthy Jesus and his bitter stroke,
  Let a sinner live!

For the sake of the Sacrifice on the hill,
  Blessed Jesus and his blood;
O tell to my soul,
  "Thou art forgiven freely!"
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
My God, my God, to thee I cry;
  Thee only would I know;
Thy purifying blood apply,
  And wash me white as snow.

Touch me, and make the leper clean,
  Purge my iniquity;
Unless thou wash my soul from sin,
  I have no part in thee.

But art thou not already mine?
  Answer if mine thou art!
Whisper within, thou Love divine,
  And cheer my drooping heart.

Tell me again my peace is made,
  And bid the sinner live:
The debt's discharg'd, the ransom's paid,
  My Father must forgive.
Charles Wesley 1707-88
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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