O Arglwydd cyfod dyrcha'th law

Psalm 10.12,14,16,17.

(Duw, cynnorthwywr ei bobl.)
O Arglwydd, cyfod, dyrcha'th law
  A thyr'd o draw yn agos;
Ac nac anghofia, pan fo rhaid,
  Dy weiniaid a'th werinos.

Cam ac anwiredd weli di,
  I farnu dynion anfad;
Y tlawd ei obaith wyt, a'i borth,
  Achymmorth yr amddifad.

Ti, Arglwydd, wyt nā neb yn fwy,
  Wyt Frenin mwy'n dragywydd;
A gwneir cyn hir
    holl lwythau'r llawr
  I'th orsedd fawr yn uffudd.

Ymbiliau'r gweinion ddont i'th glust,
  Dy air sy'n dyst o hynny;
Eu calon ti a'i parottōi,
  Ac atteb roi i'w gweddi.
Cas. o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1831

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(God, the helper of his people.)
O Lord, arise, lift up thy hand
  And come near from afar;
And do not forget, when there be need,
  Thy servants and thy folk.

Error and untruth thou dost see,
  To judge wicked men;
The poor, his hope thou art, and his succour,
  And the help of the bereft.

Thou, Lord, art than anyone greater,
  Art a greater King in eternity;
And all the tribes of the earth
    are to be made before long
  Submissive to thy great throne.

The petitions of the weak come to thy ear,
  Thy word is a witness of this;
Their heart thou wilt prepare,
  And an answer give to their prayer.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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