O Arglwydd! cyfod i dy lŷs, A'th arch o rymus fawredd; Gwisged d'offeiriaid gyfiawn fraint, Gwisged dy saint wirionedd. Can's fy Arglwydd, o serch a bodd, A rag-ddewisodd Seion; I drigo ynddi rhoes ei fryd, Gan dd'wedyd geiriau tirion. Hon fyth fydd fy ngorphwysfa i, O hoffder ynddi triga'; Bendithiaf hi â bwyd diball, A'i thlawd diwall o fara. Gwisged dy saint :: 'R un modd Dy saint Can's fy Arglwydd :: Oblegid Duw
Tonau [MS 8787]: |
O Lord, arise to thy court, With thy ark of forceful majesty; May thy priests wear righteous privilege, May thy saints wear truth. Since my Lord, from desire which satisfies, Has already chosen Zion; To dwell in her he put his intention, Speaking tender words. This forever shall be my rest, From a delight to dwell in her; I will bless her with unfailing life, And her poor I will satisfy with bread. May thy saints wear :: Likewise thy saints Since my Lord :: Because God tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |
8 Arise, O Lord, and now possess thy constant place of rest; Be that, not only with thy ark, but with thy presence blessed. 9 Clothe thou thy priests with righteousness, make thou thy saints rejoice; 10 And, for thy servant David's sake, hear thy anointed's voice. 13 For Zion does in God's esteem all other seats excel; 14 His place of everlasting rest, where he desires to dwell. 15 Her stores, says he, I will increase, her poor with plenty bless; 16 Her saints shall shout for joy, her priests my saving health confess.
N Tate & N Brady |