O Arglwydd cyfod i dy lŷs

(Salm cxxxii. 8,9,13—15.)
O Arglwydd! cyfod i dy lŷs,
  A'th arch o rymus fawredd;
Gwisged d'offeiriaid gyfiawn fraint,
  Gwisged dy saint wirionedd.

Can's fy Arglwydd, o serch a bodd,
  A rag-ddewisodd Seion;
I drigo ynddi rhoes ei fryd,
  Gan dd'wedyd geiriau tirion.

Hon fyth fydd fy ngorphwysfa i,
  O hoffder ynddi triga';
Bendithiaf hi â bwyd diball,
  A'i thlawd diwall o fara.

Gwisged d'offeiriaid :: D'offeiriaid gwisgent
Gwisged dy saint :: 'R un modd Dy saint
Can's fy Arglwydd :: Oblegid Duw

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Altona/Silesia (As Hymnodus Sacer 1625)
Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)
Roche Abbey (T Worsley Staniforth)
St Trond (alaw Ellmynig)

(Psalm 132:8,9,13-15.)
O Lord, arise to thy court,
  With thy ark of forceful majesty;
May thy priests wear righteous privilege,
  May thy saints wear truth.

Since my Lord, from desire which satisfies,
  Has already chosen Zion;
To dwell in her he put his intention,
  Speaking tender words.

This forever shall be my rest,
  From a delight to dwell in her;
I will bless her with unfailing life,
  And her poor I will satisfy with bread.

May thy saints wear :: Likewise thy saints
Since my Lord :: Because God

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

 8 Arise, O Lord, and now possess
     thy constant place of rest;
   Be that, not only with thy ark,
     but with thy presence blessed.

 9 Clothe thou thy priests with righteousness,
     make thou thy saints rejoice;
10 And, for thy servant David's sake,
     hear thy anointed's voice.

13 For Zion does in God's esteem
     all other seats excel;
14 His place of everlasting rest,
     where he desires to dwell.

15 Her stores, says he, I will increase,
     her poor with plenty bless;
16 Her saints shall shout for joy, her priests
     my saving health confess.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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