O Arglwydd da, argraffa Dy wirioneddau gwiw Yn rymus ar fy meddwl I aros tra bwyf byw; Mwy parchus boed dy ddeddfau, Mwy annwyl nag erioed, Yn gysur bont i'm calon, Yn llusern wiw i'm troed. Myfyrdod am Gyfryngwr A phethau dwyfol, drud Fo'n llanw 'nghalon wamal Yn felys iawn o hyd, A bydded prawf maddeuant, Yr heddwch sydd drwy'r Iawn, Yn trigo yn fy mynwes O fore hyd brynhawn. bont i'm :: i fy llusern wiw i'm troed :: llusern i fy nhroed llanw 'nghalon :: llenwi'm calon Yn felys iawn :: I'w llawenhau Yn trigo :: Gartrefol - - - - - O Arglwydd da! argraffa Dy wirioneddau gwiw, Yn rymus ar fy meddwl, I aros tra f'wyf byw; Mwy parchus boed Dy ddeddfau, Mwy annwyl nag erioed - Yn gysur i fy nghalon, Yn llusern i fy nhroed. O Arglwydd! dysg im' chwilio I wirioneddau'r Gair, Nes d'od o hyd i'r Ceidwad Fu gynt ar liniau Mair; Mae Ef yn Dduw galluog, Mae'n gadarn i iachau; Er cymaint yw fy llygredd Mae'n ffynnon i'm glanhau.1: cyf. David Charles 1803-80 2: Robert Jones 1745-1829
Tonau [7676D]: gwelir: O Arglwydd dysg im chwilio |
O Good Lord, impress Thy worthy purposes Forcefully on my mind To remain while I live; More honoured be thy laws, More dear than ever, A comfort may they be to my heart, A worthy lantern to my feet. Meditation about a Mediator, And costly, divine things, Be filling my fickle heart Very sweetly always, And let the experience of forgiveness, The peace which is through the Atonement, be Dwelling in my breast From morning until afternoon. :: may they be to my :: to my worhty lantern to my feet :: lantern to my feet Very sweetly :: To cheer it Dwelling :: At home
- - - - - O Good Lord, impress Thy worthy purposes Forcefully on my mind To remain while I live; More honoured be thy laws, More dear than ever, As a comfort to my heart, As a lantern to my foot. O Lord, teach me to search For the truths of the Word! Until finding the Saviour Who was once on Mary's knees; He is mighty God, He is strong to save; Despite how great is my corruption He is a fount to cleanse me.tr. 2012,17 Richard B Gillion |
Lord, how delightful 'tis to see A whole assembly worship thee! At once they sing, at once they pray; They hear of heaven, and learn the way. I have been there, and still would go 'Tis like a little heaven below! Not all my pleasure and my play Should tempt me to forget this day. O write upon my memory, Lord, The text and doctrines of thy Word, That I may break thy laws no more, But love thee better than before! With thoughts of Christ and things divine Fill up this foolish heart of mine: That, hoping pardon through his blood, I may lie down, and wake with God.