O Arglwydd da mor hyfryd yw
O Arglwydd pa mor hyfryd yw

Lord how delightful 'tis to see

1,2,3,4,5,7;  1,4,(5,(6)).
(Deuwch ac addolwn)
O Arglwydd da, mor hyfryd yw
Gwel'd torf i'th foli di yn fyw,
  Gan alw arnat yn dy dŷ,
  A dysgu'r ffordd i'r nefoedd fry.

Bum yn eu mysg, 'r oedd ger fy mròn
Nef fechan ar y ddaear hon:
  Na boed i'r hudol fywyd rhydd
  Wneud imi fyth anghofio'r dydd.

Dirmygu gwerthfawr air y ffydd
Yw'r weithred annuwiolaf sydd;
  Pwy, ond yr
      adyn cyndyn cas,
  A wrthyd Grist,
      a gwleddoedd grâs?

O! Dduw'r tiriondeb, ar bob tro,
Argraffa d'eiriau ar fy ngho';
  Fel na throseddwyf unrhyw bryd,
  Ond dysgu'th garu'n well o hyd.

Dyrchafer fy holl serch,
    a'm bryd,
Uwchlaw i bethau gweigion byd:
  Dymunwyf 'nabod Brenin Nef,
  Rhodio a gorphwys gydag Ef.

Ei nabod ef yn well o hyd
Tra yma'n rhodio daear fyd;
  Nes cyrhaedd uwch pob poen a gwae;
  I'w fythol weled fel y mae.

Os îs fy nghan nâ'r seintiau sy
Yn seinio'r feirniol anthem fry,
  Ein testyn hyfryd sydd yn un;
  Sef dwyfol gariad Mab y Dyn.
O Arglwydd da, mor :: O Arglwydd, pa mor
Dyrchafer fy holl serch :: Dyrchafer mwy fy serch
Dymunwyf 'nabod :: O! am gael 'nabod

cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
priodolwyd hefyd i
cyf. David Thomas (Dafydd Ddu o Eryri) 1759-1822

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Gilead (G F Handel 1685-1759)
Moliant (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
Rockingham (Edward Miller 1731-1807)

(Come ye and let us adore)
O good Lord, how delightful it is
To see a throng to thy praise living,
  While calling upon thee in thy house,
  And learning the way to heaven above.

I was amongst them, before me was
A little heaven on this earth:
  May the free, charming life, not   
  Make me ever forget the day.

Scorning the precious word of faith
Is the most ungodly action there is;
  Who, but the
      stubborn, detestable scoundrel,
  Shall reject Christ,
      and the feasts of grace?

O God of the mercifulness, at every turn,
Impress thy words on my memory;
  That I not trespass at any time,
  But learn to love thee better always.

All my affection be raised,
    and my intention,
Above the empty things of the world:
  I wish to know the King of Heaven,
  To walk and rest with Him.

To know him better always
While here walking the ground of the world;
  Until arriving above all pain and woe;
  To see him forever as he is.

If lower my song than the saints who are
Sounding the privileged anthem above,
  Our delightful theme is the same;
  That is the love of the Son of Man.
O good Lord, how :: O Lord, how
All my affection be raised :: My affection be raised evermore
I wish to know :: O, to get to know

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

Lord, how delightful 'tis to see
A whole assembly worship thee!
  At once they sing, at once they pray;
  They hear of heaven, and learn the way.

I have been there, and still would go
'Tis like a little heaven below!
  Not all my pleasure and my play
  Should tempt me to forget this day.

O write upon my memory, Lord,
The text and doctrines of thy Word,
  That I may break thy laws no more,
  But love thee better than before!

With thoughts of Christ
    and things divine
Fill up this foolish heart of mine:
  That, hoping pardon through his blood,
  I may lie down, and wake with God.


Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tunes [LM 8888]:
Carol (George F Root 1820-95)
Rockingham (Edward Miller 1731-1807)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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