O Arglwydd Dduw bydd ar fy rhan

Help Lord to whom for help I fly

(Nerth ar y Maes)
O Arglwydd Dduw, bydd ar fy rhan,
A dal i fyny f'enaid gwan
  Tra b'wyf ar faes y gwaed:
Yn gadarn noddfa imi bydd:
Rho nerth i wylio, nos a dydd,
  Yn ddiwyd wrth dy draed.

Os llaesu wna fy nwylaw 'nawr,
O gad im' wel'd dy allu mawr
  I'm dal i fyny'n fyw:
Rhag imi syrthio ddydd na nos,
Dod nerth i'm henaid
    ddyddiau f'oes,
  I lynu wrth fy Nuw.

O gwisg fi â'th arfogaeth, Ner;
Gelynion sydd, rifedi'r ser,
  Am gael fy mhen i lawr:
Dragwyddol Arglwydd, saf o'm plaid,
Ac anfon imi nerth wrth raid - 
  Dy iachawdwriaeth fawr!
cyf. John Bryan 1776-1856
Diferion y Cyssegr 1809

Tôn [886D]: Croeshoeliad (alaw Gymreig)

(Strength on the Field)
O Lord God, be on my side,
And hold up my weak soul
  While I am on the field of blood:
A firm refuge be thou to me:
Give strength to watch, night and day,
  Diligently at thy feet.

If my hands relax now,
O let me see thy great power
  To hold me up alive:
Lest I fall, day or night,
Come strength to my soul
    all the days of my life,
  To stick to my God.

O dress me with thy armour, Lord;
Enemies there are, numerous as the stars,
  Wanting to get my head down:
Eternal Lord, stand on my side,
And send me strength in need -
  Thy great salvation!
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion
(For Believers Watching)
Help, Lord, to whom for help I fly,
And still my tempted soul stand by,
  Throughout the evil day:
The sacred watchfulness impart,
And keep the issues of my heart,
  And stir me up to pray.

Whene'er my careless hands hang down,
O let me see thy gathering frown,
  And feel thy warning eye;
And starting, cry, from ruin's brink,
Save, Jesus, or
    I yield, I sink,
  O save me, or I die!

My soul with thy whole armour arm;
In each approach of sin alarm,
  And show the danger near;
Surround, sustain, and strengthen me,
And fill with godly jealousy,
  And sanctifying fear.
Charles Wesley 1707-88

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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