O Arglwydd Dduw dy eiddo wyf

(SALM IV. 3,4,5,8. - Salm Brydnawnol)
O Arglwydd Dduw, dy eiddo wyf;
  Pan alwyf, ti'm gwrandewi:
'Rwy'n ofni ger dy fron y dydd,
  Ac nid wyf rydd i bechu.

A thra b'wyf yn fy ngwely clŷd,
  O swn y byd a'i ffwdan:
A'm calon, Arglwydd, ac â thi,
  Mae'n felus i ymddyddan.

Talaf i ti fy aberth hwyr,
  Ac wedi gwnelwy'r weithred,
Duw mawr mae'm ffydd a'm gobaith i
  Ar dy ras di'n ymddiried.

Fel hyn yn heddwch Duw, dan gof,
  Fy llygaid rhof i huno;
Y llaw a'm cadwodd i trwy'r dydd,
  Y nos a fydd i'm gwilio.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Salmau Dafydd 1753

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(Psalm 4:3,4,5,8. - Evening Psalm)
O Lord God, thine own I am;
  When I call, thou dost listen:
I am fearing before thee by day,
  And I am not free to sin.

And while I am in my cosy bed,
  Out of the world's noise and its bustle:
And my heart, Lord, and with thee,
  It is sweet to converse.

I shall pay to thee my evening sacrifice,
  And after I have done the deed,
Great God, my faith and my hope are
  Upon thy grace trusting.

Thus in God's peace, in remembrance,
  My eyes I shall give to sleep;
The hand that kept me throughout the day,
  Shall watch over me by night.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion
3 Consider, that the righteous man
    is God's peculiar choice;
  And when to him I make my pray'r,
    he always hears my voice.

4 Then stand in awe of his commands,
    flee ev'ry thing that's ill;
  Commune in private with your hearts,
    and bend them to his will.

5 The place of other sacrifice
    let righteousness supply;
  And let your hope, securely fixed,
    on God alone rely.

8 Then down in peace I'll lay my head,
    and take my needful rest;
  No other guard, O Lord, I crave,
    of thy defence possessed.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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