O Arglwydd Dduw ein tadau

(Gweddi'r Eglwys)
O Arglwydd Dduw ein tadau,
  Ein Craig a'n Tŵr wyt ti:
O gogonedda eto
  Dy enw ynom ni;
Ni cheisiwn fwy anrhydedd
  Na rhodio'n llwybrau'r groes
Gan fyw i ddangos Iesu 
  A gwasanaethu'n hoes.

Nid oes i ni offeiriad
  Ond Iesu Grist ei hun
Nac ordeiniadau eraill
  Ond geiriau Mab y Dyn:
I ryddid pur y'n galwyd;
  O cadw ni'n dy waith
Nes elo cyfraith rhyddid
  Dros ŵyneb daear faith.
Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953

Aurelia (S S Wesley 1810-76)
Tal-y-llyn (alaw Gymreig)

(The Prayer of the Church)
O Lord God of our fathers,
  Our rock and our tower art thou:
O glorify again
  Thy name within us;
We seek no more honour
  Than walking in the paths of the cross
Living to show Jesus
  And serve him all our life.

We have no priest
  But Jesus Christ himself
No other ordinances
  But the words of the Son of Man
To pure freedom we were called;
  O keep us in thy work
Until the law of freedom goes
  Over the face of the vast earth.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion
("To freedom you were called."
O Tower and Rock of ages
  To those who loved your name,
Today be to their children
  And evermore the same;
No greater honour have we
  Than taking up the cross
And following in his footsteps
  Whose blood redeemed our loss.

Since Jesus shed his life-blood,
  No priest can offer more;
No human ritual save us,
  Or open heaven's door.
The word of Christ will keep us
  In freedom's glorious way,
Until the law of freedom
  Brings in heaven's promised day.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

Tune [8787D]: Bentley (J P Hullah 1812-84)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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