O Arglwydd Dduw Jehofa

(Yr Ysbryd gyda'r Gair)
O! Arglwydd Dduw Jehofa,
  Tro yma d'ŵyneb llon;
A doed griddfannau'n hysbryd
  I'th glustiu'r oedfa hon;
Doed sain telynau'r nefoedd
  I'n clustiau ninnau'n awr,
A gwna ni'n gyd-addolwyr
  Â'r nefol dyrfa fawr.

Dy Ysbryd gyda'th eiraiu
  Iachâ galonnau briw;
Dy Ysbryd weithia'n rymus,
  Nes gwneud y meirw'n fyw:
Dy Ysbryd Di wna gynnwrf
  Ymysg yr esgyrn sych;
Cyrhaedded glust a chalon,
  Fel sain yr arian glych.

Duw, todda'r galon galed,
  A dryllia'r muriau pres;
Cyfoded Haul cyfiawnder
  Yn hyfryd yn ei wres;
A nertha'r enaid ofnus
  Sy'n methu dod i'r lan,
Cysura'r rhai galarus,
  Diddana'r meddwl gwan.
Dafydd William 1720-94

Tonau [7676D]:
Llydaw (alaw Lydawig)
Mannheim (Hans L Hassler 1564-1612)

(The Spirit with the Word)
O Lord God Jehovah,
  Turn here thy cheerful face;
And may the groans of our spirit come
  To thy ears in this meeting;
May the sound of the harps of heaven come
  To our own ears now,
And make us fellow-worshippers
  With the great heavenly throng.

Thy Spirit with thy words
  Heal our wounded hearts;
Thy Spirit work powerfully,
  Until making the dead alive:
Thy Spirit cause a stir
  Among the dry bones;
May it reach ear and heart,
  Like the sound of the silver bells.

God, melt the hard heart,
  And smash the walls of brass;
May the Sun of righteousness arise
  Delightfully in his warmth;
And strengthen the fearful soul
  That is failing to come up,
Console those who are mournful,
  Comfort the weak mind.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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