O! Arglwydd Dduw Jehofa, Tro yma d'ŵyneb llon; A doed griddfannau'n hysbryd I'th glustiu'r oedfa hon; Doed sain telynau'r nefoedd I'n clustiau ninnau'n awr, A gwna ni'n gyd-addolwyr Â'r nefol dyrfa fawr. Dy Ysbryd gyda'th eiraiu Iachâ galonnau briw; Dy Ysbryd weithia'n rymus, Nes gwneud y meirw'n fyw: Dy Ysbryd Di wna gynnwrf Ymysg yr esgyrn sych; Cyrhaedded glust a chalon, Fel sain yr arian glych. Duw, todda'r galon galed, A dryllia'r muriau pres; Cyfoded Haul cyfiawnder Yn hyfryd yn ei wres; A nertha'r enaid ofnus Sy'n methu dod i'r lan, Cysura'r rhai galarus, Diddana'r meddwl gwan.Dafydd William 1720-94
Tonau [7676D]: |
O Lord God Jehovah, Turn here thy cheerful face; And may the groans of our spirit come To thy ears in this meeting; May the sound of the harps of heaven come To our own ears now, And make us fellow-worshippers With the great heavenly throng. Thy Spirit with thy words Heal our wounded hearts; Thy Spirit work powerfully, Until making the dead alive: Thy Spirit cause a stir Among the dry bones; May it reach ear and heart, Like the sound of the silver bells. God, melt the hard heart, And smash the walls of brass; May the Sun of righteousness arise Delightfully in his warmth; And strengthen the fearful soul That is failing to come up, Console those who are mournful, Comfort the weak mind.tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion |