O Arglwydd Dduw rhagluniaeth, Ac iachawdwriaeth dyn, Tydi sy'n llywodraethu, Y byd a'r nef dy hun: Yn wyneb pob rhyw g'ledi, Y sydd neu etto ddaw, Dod gadarn gymhorth i mi, I lechu yn dy law.Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1805 O am gael ffydd i edrych, Gyda'r angelion fry, I fôr yr iachawdwriaeth, Dirgelwch ynddi sy'; Dwy natur mewn un person, Yn gyson yno gaed, Anfeidrol a thrag'wyddol, Yw rhinwedd dwyfol waed. O f'enaid gwel addasrwydd, Y person dwyfol hwn, Anturia' iddo'th fywyd, A bwrw arno'th bwn: Mae'n ddyn i gydymdeimlo, A'th holl wendidau'i gyd, Mae'n Dduw i fynu'r orsedd, Ar ddiafol, cnawd, a byd. Er cryfed ydyw'r gwyntoedd A chedyrn donnau'r môr, Doethineb ydyw'r Llywydd, A'i enw'n gadarn Iôr; Er gwaethaf dilyw pechod A llygredd o bob rhyw, Dihangol byth heb soddi Am fod yr arch yn Dduw.Ann Griffiths 1776-1805
Tonau [7676D]: gwelir: O am gael ffydd i edrych Rhyfeddol byth rhyfeddol Teilwng yw'r Oen a laddwyd |
O Lord God of providence, And the salvation of man, It is thou who dost govern, The world and heaven thyself: In the face of every kind of hardship, Which is or still to come, Give strong help to me, To hide in thy hand. O to have faith to see With the angels above To the sea of the salvation, The mystery which is in it; Two natures in one Person Constantly to be found, Infinite and eternal, Is the merit of the divine blood. O my soul, see how fitting Is this divine Person, Venture upon him thy life And cast upon him thy load; He is as man to sympathise With all thy weakness altogether, He is as God upon the throne Over devil, flesh and world. Though the storms are so strong And the sea's waves billow, Wisdom is the pilot, And his name the strong Master; In spite of the deluge of sin And corruption of every kind, Safe in the end Because the ark is God.tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion |
Eternal God who rulest The whole creation wide, And dost for guilty sinners Mercy and grace provide; In depth of every sorrow That is, or time may bring, Oh, give us help to shelter Beneath Thy tender wing.tr. Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English (E T Griffith) 1884 O might I gain faith's insight, With angel-minds on high,tr. H A Hodges 1905-76
Tune [7676D]: Denton's Green (Anton Radiger 1849-1817) |