O Arglwydd Dduw y nefoedd wych

1,2,3,4;  1,3,4,5.
(Pabell Duw)
O! Arglwydd Dduw y nefoedd wych!
  'Rhwn wyt yn edrych arni,
Fel pabell fach yn mhell is-law
  Gorseddfainc dy Fawrhydi!

Ni ddichon nef y nefoedd faith,
  Yr hon sydd waith dy fysedd,
Dy gynwys Di, 'r anfeidrol Fod!
  Dy hanfod, na'th anrhydedd.

Nid oes adeilad o waith dyn,
  Yn wir, i'th dderbyn iddi;
Dy unig lys yw'r galon lān
  A grỳn o'th flaen mewn gweddi.

O! cymer feddiant cyflawn byth,
  Trwy'th ras a'th
      fendith ddwyfol,
Ar bawb o fewn y babell hon,
  A gwna hwy'n ffyddlon bobl.

Tra safo yma faen ar faen,
  Neu golofn gyfan gofus,
Cynoedder llais gwirionedd llon
  Trwy'r demel hon yn felys.
Nid oes :: 'Does un
Yn wir :: Yn wiw
byth :: fyth
y babell :: i'r babell
bobl :: bobol

Benjamin Francis 1734-99

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Beccles (hen alaw Ellmynig)
Llandysyl (<1845)
Llanfihangel (<1835)
Sabboth (John Williams 1740-1821)

(God's Tent)
O Lord God of the brilliant heavens!
  The one who art looking upon it,
Like a little tent far below
  The throne of thy Majesty!

The vast heaven of heaven is not enough,
  That which is the work of the fingers,
To contain Thee, the immeasurable Being!
  Thy essence, nor thy honour.

There is no building of man's work,
  Truly, to receive thee in it;
Thy only court is the pure heart
  Which trembles before thee in prayer.

O take full possession forever,
  Through thy grace and thy
      divine blessing,
Upon everyone within this tent,
  And make them faithful people.

While here stand stone upon stone,
  Or an entire, mindful column,
The cheerful voice of truth is to be heard
  Throughout this temple sweetly.
Truly :: Worthily
the tent :: to the tent

tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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