O Arglwydd Dduw y lluoedd

O Arglwydd Dduw y lluoedd
  Rho nerth dy ras i ni
I 'mwrthod â gweithredoedd
  Sy'n groes i'th gyfraith Di;
Datoda holl gadwynau
  Ein dwfn dywyllwch prudd,
A wisg ni oll ag arfau
  Goleuni gwlad y dydd.

Yn nhymor bywyd marwol
  Moes inni nerth yn awr,
Pryd daeth yr Iesu grasol,
  Mewn gostyngeiddrwydd mawr,
I 'mweled â marwolion,
  Hen ddeiliaid brenin braw,
 chariad yn ei galon,
  A bywyd yn ei law.

Mewn gogoneddus fawredd
  Ei ail-ddyfodiad fydd,
Daw pawb gerbron ei orsedd
  I farn yr olaf ddydd;
Pryd hyn, pan gilia'r hollfyd
  O ŵydd Tywysog nef,
O! Dduw, dwg ni i'r bywyd
  Anfarwol, trwyddo Ef.
William Morgan (Penfro) 1846-1918

Tonau [7676D]:
Jabez (alaw Gymreig)
Talyllyn (alaw Gymreig)

O Lord God of the hosts
  Give the strength of thy grace to us
To reject actions
  Which are contrary to Thy law;
Undo all the chains
  Of our deep, sad darkness,
And clothe us all with the weapons
  Of the light of the land of the day.

In the season of our mortal life
  Give us strength now,
When gracious Jesus came,
  In great humility,
To visit mortals,
  The old tenants of the king of terror,
With love in his heart,
  And life in his hand.

In glorious majesty
  His second-coming will be,
Everyone shall come before his throne
  To the judgment of the last day;
At that time, when the universe retreats
  From the presence of the Prince of heaven,
O God, lead us to the life
  Immortal, through Him.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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