O Arglwydd disgyn trwy Dy nerth

("O Lafur Ei Enaid y gwêl.")
O Arglwydd disgyn trwy Dy nerth,
  A doed Dy deyrnas yn y byd;
Meddianna'n ebrywdd ddwyfol werth
  Dy fywyd llawn, Dy angeu drud.

Pwy haeddai gael y byd ond Ti,
  O Dduw, a'i prynaist
      dryw Dy waed?
O brysia, gwrando lais ein cri,
  A rho bob gelyn dan Dy draed.

O llwydda'th deyrnas, brysia'r awr
  Pan ddaw'r cenhedloedd oll ynghyd,
I blygu wrth Dy draed i lawr,
  A gweld Dy degwch,
      Brynwr byd.
John Hughes 1850-1932

Tôn [MH 8888]: Canon (Thomas Tallis 1515(?)-85)

("Of the Labour of His Soul he shall see.")
O Lord, descend through Thy strength,
  And may Thy kingdom come in the world;
Possess quickly the divine worth
  Of Thy full life, Thy costly death.

Who deserves to get the world but Thee,
  O God, which thou didst purchase
      through Thy blood?
O hurry, listen to the voice of our cry,
  And put every enemy under Thy feet.

O prosper thy kingdom, hasten the hour
  When all the nations shall come together,
To bow down at Thy feet,
  And see Thy fairness,
      Redeemer of the world.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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