O Arglwydd doed dy deyrnas di

(Llwyddiant y Deyrnas)
O Arglwydd doed dy deyrnas di
Dros holl derfynau'n daear ni;
  A gwna hi'n ufudd, fel y nef,
  I ddeddfau dy lywodraeth gref.

Lle 'nawr teyrnasa t'wyllwch du,
Llewyrched yr Efengyl gu;
  Lle trig anwiredd o bob rhyw,
  Boed purdeb a
      chyfiawnder gwiw.

O dwg y pell Genhedloedd draw,
A'r holl Iuddewon yn dy law,
  Yn hawddgar lu
      i'th Eglwys lon,
  I ymhyfrydu ger dy fron.

Cyd-ganu wnaed pob genau 'nawr
Dros dir a mor i'th Enw mawr;
  O! lleda'th faner
      drwy'r holl fyd,
  Y nef a'r ddaear una 'nghyd.
Llawlyfr Moliant 1880

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Angels' Hymn (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625)
Angelus (Johann Scheffler 1624-77)
Eden (Timothy Battelle Mason 1801-61)
Menai (Salmydd Playford 1671)
Winchester (B Crasselius 1667-1724)
Yr Hen Ganfed (Salmydd Genefa 1551)

(The Success of the Kingdom)
O Lord, may thy kingdom come
Across all the borders of our earth;
  And make it obedient, like heaven,
  To the laws of thy strong governorship.

Where now black darkness rules,
Let the dear Gospel shine;
  Where falsehood of every kind dwells,
  Let there be purity and
      worthy righteousness.

O bring the distant Gentiles yonder,
And all the Jews in thy hand,
  As a beautiful host
      to thy cheerful Church,
  To take delight before thee.

Sing together let every mouth do now
Across land and sea to thy great Name;
  O spread thy banner
      throughout the whole world,
  Heaven and earth shall unite together.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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