O Arglwydd dyrcha arnom

O Arglwydd! dyrcha arnom,
  Tra byddom yn dy d&385;,
O lewyrchiadau grasol
  Dy siriol wyneb cu;
Tra byddom yma'n aros,
  O Dduw! bydd yn ein plith,
A gwlawia ar ein hoedfa,
  I lawr o'th nefol wlith.

Rho gymorth i dy garu,
  A'th barchu, Arglwydd mawr!
A byw yn ol dy ddeddfau
  Tra'n teithio ar y llawr;
Rho nerth i ni ymorphwys,
  O hyd ar drefn dy ras,
A gwledda ar y manna,
  Sylweddol, pâr ei flas.

Mae'n rhaid i'r anian newydd
  A blanwyd gan y Tad
I gael ei maeth a'i chynnydd
  O ffrwythau'r Ganaan wlad;
Nid oes dim ymborth iddi
  Yn holl dresorau'r llawr;
Mae'i thynfa ar i fyny -
  O'r nefoedd daeth i lawr.
1-2: D Silvan Evans (Daniel Las) 1818-1903
3 : An. (Casgliad o Hymnau [Calfinaidd] 1859)

Tonau [7676D]:
Bala (Rowland H Prichard 1811-87)
Hengwrt (Morgan W Griffith 1855-1925)
Jabez (alaw Gymreig)
Llydaw (alaw Gymreig)
Missionary (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Pont L'Abbé (alaw Lydawig)

gwelir: Mae'n rhaid i'r anian newydd

O Lord, raise upon us,
  While we are in thy house,
From gracious gleamings
  Thy dear cheerful face!
While we are waiting here,
  O God, be in our midst,
And rain on our service,
  Down from thy heavenly dew.

Give support to love thee,
  And revere thee, great Lord!
And to live according to thy laws
  While we travel on earth;
Give strength for us to rest,
  Always on the provision of thy grace,
And to feast on the substantial
  Manna, of sweet taste.

There is need for the new soul
  Which was planted by my God
To get its nutriment and its growth
  From the fruits of the land of Canaan;
There is no grazing for it
  In all the treasures of the earth;
Its attraction is up -
  From the heavens it came down.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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