O Arglwydd dyro im' Dy ras

(Gweddi yr Aelod Ieuanc)
O Arglwydd dyro im' Dy ras,
  I deithio tua'r wlad;
Rho imi gymorth dan bob ton
  I gofio Tŷ fy Nhad.

I eglyws Crist derbyniwyd fi, -
  Duw, nertha f'enaid gwan,
I lynu wrth y Groes o hyd
  Nes dod o'r
      byd i'r lan.

Rho im' Dy lon gymdeithas Di,
  A chadw fi o hyd
I rodio yn Dy lwybrau glân
  Tra byddwyf yn y byd.

Rho nerth i ddilyn
    llwybrau'r praidd
  Wrth deithio'r anial dir;
Nes delo'r awr im' ddyfod fry
  I ddinas Salem bur.
Evan Jones (Ieuan Gwynedd) 1820-52

Tôn [MC 8686]: Martyrdom (Hugh Wilson 1766-1824)

(The Prayer of the Young Member)
O Lord grant me Thy grace,
  To travel towards the land;
Give me help under every wave
  To remember my Father's House.

Into Christ's church I was received, -
  God, strength of my weak soul,
To cling to the Cross always
  Until coming from the
      world to the shore.

Give my Thy joyful fellowship,
  And keep me always
To wander in Thy pure paths
  While I am in the world.

Give strength to follow
    the paths of the flock
  While travelling the desert land;
Until the hour comes for me to come above
  To Salem's pure city.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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