O Arglwydd dyro 'n awr

(Ymbil am Wenau Duw)
O Arglwydd dyro 'n awr
  Oleuni d'Ysbryd,
A thorred arnom wawr
  Adfywiad hyfryd;
Dy Seion, athrist yw,
A'i gwedd yn wan a gwyw,
Nid oes ond gwên ei Duw
  Ddiddana'i bywyd.

Fel gwyliwr ar y mur
  Yn ocheneidio,
Am weld y wawrddydd bur
  Yn ymddisgleirio,
Y mae dy Seion brudd,
Â'i dagrau ar ei grudd
Yn disgwyl toriad dydd,
  Bron â diffygio.

O! paid â'i chadw'n hir
  Heb wên dy ŵyneb,
Rho iddi olau clir
  Dy bresenoldeb -
Mwynhad o hyfryd wledd
Cysuron pur dy wedd,
Yn sicrwydd llawn o'th hedd
  I dragwyddoldeb.
Robert M Jones (Meigant) 1851-99

Tôn [6565.6665]: Moab (Ieuan Gwyllt 1822-77)

(Entreaty for God's Smiles)
O Lord, give now,
  The light of thy Spirit,
And may the dawn break upon us
  Of a delightful revival;
Thy Zion, sad she is,
With her countenance weak and withered,
Nothing but the smile of her God
  Will console her life.

Like watchmen on the wall
To see the pure dawn of day
Is thy sad Zion,
With her tears on her cheek
Awaiting the break of day,
  Almost failing.

O do not keep her long
  Without the smile of thy face,
Give her the clear light
  Of thy presence -
The enjoyment of a delightful feast
Of the pure comforts of thy countenance,
Surely full of thy peace
  For eternity.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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