O Arglwydd erglyw fy llais i

O! Arglwydd, erglyw fy llais i,
   A derbyn weddi bruddaidd,
 Pan godwyf fy nwy law o bell,
   Duw, tua'th gafell sanctaidd.

Bendigaid fyddo'r Arglwydd nef;
  Fe glybu
    lef fy ngweddi:
Yr Arglwydd yw fy nerth a'm rhan,
  A'm tarian, a'm daioni.

Ymddiriedais iddo am borth,
  A chefais gymmorth ganddo:
Minnau o'm calon,
    drwy fawr chwant,
  A ganaf foliant iddo.

Yr Arglwydd sydd nerth i bob rhai
   A ymddiriedai'n hylyn;
 A'i Enneiniog ef a fydd maeth
   Ac iachawdwriaeth iddyn'.
Ymddiriedais :: Mi ymddiriedais

Edmund Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)
Glanceri (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)
Mary (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
Silesia (Salmydd I Clauderi 1630)
Tyllwyd (Edward Arthur 1874-1948)

gwelir: Bendigaid fyddo'r Arglwydd nef

(Psalm 28)
O Lord, listen to my voice,
   And accept an earnest prayer,
 when I raise my two hands from afar,
   God, towards thy holy sanctuary.

Blessed be the Lord of heaven;
  He hears
      the cry of my prayer:
The Lord is my strength and my portion,
  And my shield, and my goodness.

I trusted him for provision,
  And I got help from him:
I myself from my heart,
    through a great desire,
  Will sing praise to him.

The Lord is strength to every one
   Who would trust tenaciously;
 And his Anointing will be extensive
   And salvation to them.

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

(Psalm 28)
[2] Hear the voice of my supplications,
   When I cry unto thee,
 When I lift up my hands
   Toward thy holy oracle.

[6] Blessed Be the LORD,
  Because he hath heard
      the voice of my supplications.
[7] The LORD is my strength
  and my shield;

My heart trusted in him,
  and I am helped:
Therefore my heart
    greatly rejoiceth;
  And with my song will I praise him.

[8] The LORD
   Is their strength,
 And he is the saving strength
   Of his anointed.


The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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