O Arglwydd gad im' dy fwynhau

(Yr Arglwydd yn fwyniant)
O Arglwydd gad im' dy fwynhau,
Ac onide 'rwy'n llwfrhau;
  Pa le ceir imi dan y ne'
  Un math o gysur yn dy le?

Fel dysgwyl y gwyliedydd prudd,
O awr i awr, am oleu'r dydd;
  Felly 'rwyf fi o bryd i bryd
  Yn dysgwyl am dy wyneb pryd. 

Rwy'n mofyn yn dy deml lân,
Am gael dy weled fel o'r blaen;
  A bore wawr i d'wynu'n rhad,
  O bur gynteddau tŷ fy Nhad.

Rho imi brawf o'th gariad drud -
I'r sawl a fynech dod y byd -
  Dy gwmni dry, mewn mynyd awr,
  Y ddaear megys nefoedd fawr.

              - - - - -

O Arglwydd! gâd im' Dy fwynhau
Ac onid ê 'r wy'n llwfrhau;
  Pa le y câf fi dàn y ne'
  Un math o gysur yn Dy le?

Rhy drwm yw'm hofnau i gyd o'r bron,
Rhy drwm yw'r cystudd
    dàn fy mron;
  Ni wna fy ofnau ond parhau
  Nes cael Dy wyneb i'w fwynhau.

Pe cawn gysuron o bob rhyw
O fewn Dy holl greadigaeth wiw,
  Os cuddio wnai Dy wyneb cu,
  Mae'n uffern eilwaith arnaf fi.

Fel disgwyl y gwyliedydd prudd,
O awr i awr, am oleu'r dydd,
  Ac felly finnau, o bryd i bryd,
  Sy'n disgwyl am Dy wyneb-pryd.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Babilon Streams (Thomas Campion 1567-1620)
Ceredigion (alaw Ellmynig)
Leipsic (G C Neumark 1621–81)
St Cross (J B Dykes 1823-76)

  Wrth edrych Iesu ar dy groes
  Y noeth y tlawd a'r llwythog sy

(The Lord as an enjoyment)
O Lord, let me enjoy thee,
Otherwise I will lose heart;
  When is to be found for me under heaven
  The same kind of comfort in thy place?

As waits the sad watchman,
From hour to hour, for the light of the day;
  Thus I am from time to time
  Waiting for thy countenance.

I am asking in thy holy temple,
To get to see thee as before;
  And for a morning dawn to shine freely,
  From the pure courts of my Father's house.

Give me an experience of thy costly love -
Give the world to whom you will -
  Thy company will turn, in a minute,
  The earth to be like great heaven.

                - - - - -

O Lord, let me enjoy Thee!
Otherwise I will lose heart;
  What place may I get under heaven
  With the same comfort as in thy place?

Too heavy are all my fears altogether,
Too heavy is the affliction
    under my breast;
  My fears will only endure
  Until I get Thy face to enjoy.

If I get comforts of every kind
Within all Thy worthy creation,
  If Thy dear face were to hide,
  I would have a second hell.

As the sad watchman waits,
From hour to hour, for the light of day,
  And thy I too, from time to time,
  Am waiting for Thy countenance.
tr. 2016,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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