O arhosed yr eneiniad

(Hwyr y Saboth)
O! arhosed yr eneiniad
  Roddwyd inni yn y gwaith;
Peraidd aroogl y dylanwad
  A'n dylino i ben ein taith;
Boed i'r dwyfol lais a glywyd
  Heddiw' 'mynydd sanctaidd Duw,
A'r gogoniant a ddatguddiwyd,
  Aros arnom tra fôm byw.

Cael ymdroi'n rhodfyedd y Brenin,
  Heddiw, O! mor hyfryd fu;
Golwg ar ei ddwyfol degwch
  Oedd yn newydd wledd i ni:
Syllu ar ei ŵyneb grasol,
  Gwrando ar ei dyner lef,
Lanwai'r dydd, a'i sanctaidd oriau,
  Â melyster nef y nef.

Am y melys nefol fanna
  Gafwyd yn gawodydd glân,
Am y dŵr o'r graig a lifodd
  Fyth i'n canlyn yn y blaen;
Am bob storom a ostegwyd
  Heddiw mewn mynwesau briw,
Am bob gweddniwidiad gafwyd,
  Cyd-ddiolchwn byth i Dduw.
John Thomas 1851-1911

Tôn [8787D]: Dismission (? Samuel Webbe 1740-1817)

(The Sabbath Evening)

O let the anointing that was given
  To us in the work;
May the sweet aroma of the influence
  Follow us to our journey's end;
Let the  divine voice that was heard
  Today on God's sacred mountain,
And the glory that was revealed,
  Stay upon us while ever we live.

To get to linger in the King's avenues,
  Today, O how delightful it was;
The view upon his divine fairness
  That was a new feast for us:
Gazing upon his gracious face,
  Listening to his tender call,
Filled the day, and its sacred hours,
  With the heaven of heaven's sweetness.

For the sweet heavenly manna
  That was got in holy showers,
For the water from the rock that flowed
  Forever to keep us company in the front;
For every storm that was stilled
  Today in bruised breasts,
For every transfiguration got,
  Let us thank God together forever.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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