O Awdwr pob trugaredd

(Gweddi wrth ymadael)
  O Awdwr pob trugaredd,
  'Nawr gollwng mewn tangnefedd;
Dod bawb i 'madael o dy dŷ
  Mewn cariad i'r gwirionedd:
  O gwna dy air yn fuddiol,
  I ladd pob syniad cnawdol;
A gwna ni'n gymhwys, trwy dy ras,
  I dd'od i'th deyrnas nefol.

  Cawn yno wel'd dy wyneb
  Hyd eithaf tragwyddoldeb,
Ac edrych ar dy degwch gwiw
  Byth gyda Duw mewn undeb:
  Bydd telyn pawb yn seinio,
  Am iti 'rioed ein cofio;
Rhown ein coronau wrth dy draed,
  Am roi dy waed i'n puro!
Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tôn [7787D]: Bonchurch (<1876)

(Prayer on leaving)
  O Author of every mercy,
  Now dismiss in peace;
May all come to leave thy house
  In love for the truth:
  O make thy word beneficial,
  To kill every fleshly idea;
And qualify us, through thy grace,
  To come to thy heavenly kingdom.

  There we may get to see thy face
  As far as the utmost eternity,
And look upon thy worthy fairness
  Forever with God in unity:
  The harp of everyone will be sounding,
  That thou ever hast remembered us;
We shall put our crowns at thy feet,
  For giving thy blood to purify us!
tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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