O bererinion dedwydd

O happy band of pilgrims

O! bererinion dedwydd
  Yn teithio tua'r nen;
Yr Iesu yw eich Llywydd,
  Yr Iesu yw eich Pen.

Gwyn fyd pawb sy'n llafurio
  Fel Iesu i achub dyn;
Gwyn fyd pawb sy'n gweddïo,
  Fel Iesu'r cyfiawn Un.

Y groes a gariodd Iesu,
  Fe'i cariodd drosoch chwi;
Y goron mae'n ei gwisgo,
  Cewch chwithau'i gwisgo fry.

Y ffydd sydd yn ei ddangos,
  Y gobaith am y nef,
Y cariad sydd yn ffyddlon
  Yn glynu wrtho Ef;

Y brofedigaeth chwerw,
  Yr holl gystuddiau i gyd,
Pob gwae a phoen a gofid
  Sydd yma yn y byd;

Beth ydynt ond y gemau
  O nefol ddwyfol werth;
Y grisiau fry i'r nefoedd,
  Ar hyd y llwybyr serth?

O! bererinion dedwydd,
  Mae'r nefoedd wen o'ch blaen;
Yn fuan cewch y palmwydd,
  A'r gwisgoedd gwynion, glân.
efel. William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [7676]: Kocher (J H Knecht / C Kocher)

O happy pilgrims
  Travelling towards the sky;
Jesus is your Leader,
  Jesus is your Head.

Blessed are all who are labouring
  Like Jesus to save man;
Blessed are all who are praying,
  Like Jesus the righteous One.

The cross that Jesus carried,
  He carried for your;
The crown that he is wearing,
  Ye too may wear above.

The faith that is showing him,
  The hope for heaven,
The love that is faithfully
  Sticking to him;

The bitter trial,
  All the afflictions altogether,
Every word and pain and grief
  That are here in the world;

What are they but the gems
  Of heavenly, divine worth;
The steps up to heaven,
  And the steep path?

O happy pilgrims,
  Bright heaven is before you;
Soon ye may have the palms,
  And the clean, white robes.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion
(The Pilgrims of Jesus)
O happy band of pilgrims,
  If onward ye will tread
With Jesus as your fellow
  To Jesus as your Head!

O happy if ye labour
  As Jesus did for men;
O happy if ye hunger
  As Jesus hungered then!

The cross that Jesus carried
  He carried as your due;
The crown that Jesus weareth,
  He weareth it for you.

The faith by which ye see him,
  The hope in which ye yearn,
The love that through all troubles
  To him alone will turn,

The trials that beset you,
  The sorrows ye endure,
The manifold temptations
  That death alone can cure,

What are they but his jewels
  Of right celestial worth?
What are they but the ladder
  Set up to heaven on earth?

O happy band of pilgrims,
  Look upward to the skies,
Where such a light affliction
  Shall win you such a prize!
tr. 1862 John Mason Neale 1818-66

from the Greek
St Joseph the Hymnographer c.816-c.886

Tune [7676]: St Edith / St Hilda
    (J H Knecht / E Husband)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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