O brysia Arglwydd clyw fy llais

(Salm CXLI - Salm Hwyrol)
O brysia, Arglwydd, clyw fy llais,
  O brysur gelwais arnat:
O'r man lle bwyf gwrando fy llef,
  A doed i'r nef hyd atat

Fy ngweddi ger dy fron a ddaw,
  Gan godi dwylaw'n uchel,
Yn arogldarth ac aberth hwyr,
  Fel uniawn ddiwyr lyfel.

O Arglwydd, gosod, rhag gair ffraeth,
  Gadwraeth ar fy ngenau:
Rhag im' gam-dd'wedyd, gosod ddor
  Ar gyfor fy ngwefusau.

Mae 'ngolwg, a'm holl obaith i,
  Duw, arnat ti dy hunan:
Duw, bydd di'n unig yn fy mhlaid,
  Na fwrw f'enaid allan.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Clynog (<1835)
Dymuniad (R H Williams [Corfanydd] 1805-76)
  Hiraeth (<1878 alaw Gymreig)
  Meliden (<1869)
Trefeglwys (J Ashton)

gwelir: O Arglwydd gosod rhag gair ffraeth

(Psalm 141 - an Evening Psalm)
O hurry, Lord, hear my voice,
  Hurriedly I called upon thee:
From the place I am listen to my cry,
  And let it come to heaven unto thee.

My prayer before thy breast shall come,
  While raising hands high,
As the incense and evening sacrifice,
  Like a direct, unswerving level.

O Lord, set, against a frivolous word,
  A guard upon my mouth:
Lest I mis-speak, set a door
  Before my lips.

My sight is, and all my hope,
  God, upon thee thyself:
God, be thou alone on my side,
  Do not throw my soul out.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion
1 To thee, O Lord, my cries ascend,
    O haste to my relief;
  And with accustomed pity hear
    the accents of my grief.

2 Instead of off'rings, let my pray'r
    like morning incense rise;
  My lifted hands supply the place
    of ev'ning sacrifice.

3 From hasty language curb my tongue,
    and let a constant guard
  Still keep the portal of my lips,
    with wary silence barred.

8 But, Lord, to thee I still direct
    my supplicating eyes;
  O leave not destitute my soul,
    whose trust on thee relies.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

see also:
Set on my mouth a seal O Lord
Howell Elvet Lewis [Elfed] 1860-1953
  Sweet Singers of Wales 1889

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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