oblegid ei Ragluniaeth tuag at y Morwyr) O cenwch fawl i'r Arglwydd Iôn O 'wyllys calon hollol; Can's Arglwydd noddfawr yw ini, Llawn o dosturi grasol. Mawr iawn yw gwyrthiau'n Harglwydd ni Hyspys i bawb a 'styriant; Ei holl weithredoedd ymhôb man Sy'n datgan ei ogoniant. Y rhai a ânt i'r dyfnder maith A'u taith uwch mawrion ddyfroedd, A welsant ryfeddodau'r Iôn A hyn mewn eigion moroedd. Pan gododd Ef demhestloedd blîn, Ofn mawr ac ing oedd arnynt; Ond pan ar Dduw y rhoisant lêf, Daeth Ef a chymhorth iddynt. Fe wnaeth y storm yn dawel dêg, A'r tonnau'n osteg eilwaith; Yn llawen daethant bawb i'r lan, I'r man lle'r oedd eu hiraeth. Clodforant hwythau ger ei fron Ei dirion drugareddau, Ac i blant dynion fel y gwnaeth Yn helaeth ryfeddodau.Salmau a Hymnau (Casgliad R Ellis) 1817 [Mesur: MS 8787] |
because of his Providence towards the Sailors) O sing ye praise to the Sovereign Lord From the will of a whole heart; Since a greatly protecting Lord he is to us, Full of gracious mercy. Very great are our Lord's miracles Well-known to all who give consideration; All his actions in every place Are declaring his glory. Those who go to the vast depth With their journey above great waters, See the wonders of the Lord And this on the high seas. When he raised grievous tempests, Great fear and anguish was upon them; But when upon God they raise a cry, He came with help to them. He made the storm quietly fair, And the waves silent again; Joyfully everyone come up, To the place where was their longing. They extol before him His tender mercies, And for the children of men thus he made Plentiful wonders.tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion |