O cyfod Ferch Seion a gwêl

(Brenhiniaeth Crist)
O cyfod, Ferch Seion, a gwêl
  Dy freintiau godidog yn awr;
Datodir it' sêl ar ol sêl -
  Myn'd rhagddi'n oleuach mae'r wawr;
Mewn cân, gorfoledda, mae'n bryd,
  Dy Frenin yn awr sydd yn d'od,
Yn ngherbyd ei gariad trwy'r byd -
  I'w enw 'n dragwyddol bo'r clod!

Troir atat
    gyflawnder y môr -
  Daw Carmel a Saron yn un;
Brenhinoedd y ddaear, â'u'stôr,
  Anrhegant yr Iesu'n gytûn;
Daw'r bwystfil a'r
    anghrist i lawr,
  Eu gorsedd a fwrir i'r llyn;
A syrthia y Fabilon fawr!
  Bydd miloedd yn moli am hyn!
anghrist :: gau-broffwyd :: prophwyd

William Hughes 1757-1846

Tonau [8888D]:
Brynhyfryd (alaw Gymreig)
Salome (alaw Gymreig)

(The Kingship of Christ)
O arise, Daughter of Zion, and see
  Thy excellent privileges now;
Seal after seal is opened to thee -
  Going before the brighter is the dawn;
In song, rejoice, it is time,
  Thy King now is coming,
In his love's chariot through the world -
  To his name eternally be the acclaim!

The fullness of the sea
    shall be turned to thee -
  Carmel and Sharon shall come as one;
The kings of the earth, with their store,
  Shall honour Jesus in agreement;
The beast and the antichrist
    shall come down,
  Their throne shall be cast into the lake;
And the great Babilon shall fall!
  Thousands shall be praising for this.
antichrist :: false prophet :: prophet

tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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