Meddiana fy serchiadau'n glau
O cym(m)er fy serchiadau'n glau

(Y Serchiadau ar Grist)
1,2,3;  1,2,((3),4,5),6.
O! cymer fy serchiadau'n glau,
  Fy Iesu, bob yr un;
A gwna hwy yn eisteddfa bur,
  Sancteiddiaf it dy Hun.

Gwna i bob meddwl, a phob chwant,
  Dynnu i fyny fry,
Na wthio holl derfysgoedd byd
  Fi 'maes o'th gariad cu.

Gorchymyn imi yno fynd,
  Yno mi af yn hy,
Heb flino ar un gair a ddêl
  O'th enau sanctaidd cu.

A doed deniadau
    byd yn lli'
  O'r dwyrain faith a'r de,
Ni thry fy seren i fyth yn ôl,
  Er neb,
      o ganol ne'.

'R wy'n teimlo f'enaid yn mawrhau
  I'r cwbwl ar y llawr;
Mae holl feddiannau'r byd a'r nef
  Yn trigo yn fy Arglwydd mawr.

Ni wnaed yr enaid hwn erioed
  I garu llwch y llawr,
Ond i gael meddu'r fraint a roed
  Ynghadw i'm Harglwydd mawr.
O cymer :: Meddiana
Gwna i bob :: A gwna bob
Dynnu :: I dynu
Na :: Nas
Ynghadw :: I gadw

- - - - -


O cymmer fy serchiadau'n glau,
  Fy Iesu bob yr un;
A gwna hwy yn eisteddfod bur
  Sancteiddiaf it' dy hun.

Ni wnaed yr enaid hwn erioed
  I garu llwch y llawr,
Ond i gael meddu'r
    fraint o'i roi
  I'w gadw'i f'Arglwydd mawr.

Tỳn fy serchiadau'n gryno iawn
  Oddiwrth wrthddrychau gau,
At yr un Gwrthddrych ag sydd byth
  Yn ffyddlon yn parhau.

At wedd dy wyneb nid yw ddim
  Trysorau maith y llawr;
Mae gair o'th enau'n llawer mwy
  Ei rym nag uffern fawr.

Dy allu yw fy nerth a'm grym,
  Yn d'allu byddaf byw;
'Rwy'n wan, 'rwy'n llesg, nid allaf ddim,
  Un fynyd heb fy Nuw.

O! Iesu, cymmer fi i gyd,
  Fel mynech gad im' fod;
Ond im' gael treulio bob yr awr,
  Yn hollol i dy glod.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Bangor (alaw Gymreig)
Burford (Salmydd Chetham/Henry Purcell)
Culross (Salmydd Ysgotaidd 1634)
St James (R Courteville -1772)
St Peter (Alexander R Reinagle 1799-1887)
Staughton (<1835)

  At wedd dy wyneb nid yw ddim
  Ffoed negeseuau gwag y dydd

(The Affections For Christ)
Oh receive my eager affections,
  My Jesus, every one;
And make them a pure, holiest
  Throne for Thyself.

Command me to go there,
  There I shall go boldly,
Without grieving about any word that comes
  From thy dear sacred mouth.

And let the attractions of the world
    come as a flood
  From the vast east and the south,
They shall never turn my star back,
  Despite anything,
      from the centre of heaven.

I am feeling my soul dying
  To all that is on the earth;
All the possessions of the world and heaven
  Are perishing in my great Lord.

Make every thought, and every desire,
  Reach up above,
Lest all the world's tumults push
  Me out of thy dear love.

May this soul never be made
  To love the dust of the earth,
But get to possess the privilege given
  To keep myself for my great Lord.
O receive :: Possess
I shall make :: And I shall make

- - - - -

(Dedicating oneself)

Oh receive my affections quickly,
  My Jesus, every one;
And make them a pure, most holy
  Enthronement for thee thyself.

This soul never did anything
  To love the dust of the earth,
But to get to possess the
    privilege of giving it
  To my great Lord to keep.

Draw my very shaky affections
  Away from evil objects,
To the one Object which is forever
  Faithfully to endure.

To the countenance of thy face, nothing are
  The vast treasures of the earth;
The word of thy mouth is of much greater
  Force than great hell.

Thy power is my strength and my force,
  In thy power I shall live;
I am weak, I am feeble, I can do nothing,
  For one moment without my God.

O Jesus, take me altogether,
  As thou wouldst let me be;
But for me to get to spend every hour,
  Completely for thy praise.
tr. 2012,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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