O dan d'adenydd Di

(Ymddiried yn ngras Crist)
  O dan d'adenydd di
  Mae llaeth a mêl yn lli
    Yn llenwi'r llawr,
  Yn afon fawr i ni;
I faethu'r gweiniaid byth yn gu,
A maeddu o'u bron elynion lu,
    Mae hyfryd Frenin Seion,
  Oen tirion, byth o'n tu.

  Fy unig noddfa'n awr,
  I'm lloni ar y llawr,
    A'm gwir iachau,
  Yw clwyfau'r Meichiau mawr;
Caf yno lechu yn dawel lân
Yn Iesu cu, a seinio cân,
    Pan syrthio'r sêr yn gawod,
  A dyfod diluw o dân.

  Hwn ydyw'r un a ddaeth
  I fyny o Edom gaeth,
    O Bozra dir,
  Gorchfygu'n wir a wnaeth;
Yr hwn fu farw ar y pren
Agorodd ffordd i'r nefoedd wen;
    Yr hwn fu'n dioddef dirmyg,
  Yw'r meddyg fyth, Amen.
Grawnsypiau Canaan 1795

Tôn [6646.8876]: Noddfa (J G Ebeling 1637-76)

  Mae ffynnon loyw lawn
  O Arglwydd trugarha (Er dyfned yw fy mhla)
  Pam 'r ofna'm henaid lu (Mae'm cadarn Iesu cu)
  Teg wawriodd arnom ddydd

(Trusting in the grace of Christ)
  Under thy wings
  There is milk and honey as a flood
    Filling the earth,
  As a great river for us;
To nourish the weak forever dearly,
And beat completely a host of enemies,
    The delightful King of Zion,
  The gently Lamb, is forever on our side.

  My only refuge now,
  To cheer me on the earth,
    And truly to heal me,
  Is the wounds of the great Surety;
There I may hide completely quietly
In dear Jesus, and sound a song,
    When the stars fall as a shower,
  And a deluge of fire comes.

  He is the one who came
  Up from captive Edom,
    From the land of Bozra,
  Overcome truly he did;
He who died on the tree
Opened a way to bright heaven;
    He who suffered scorn,
  Is the physician forever, Amen.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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