O Dduw bydd ini megys gwlith

(Byddaf fel gwlith)
O Dduw! bydd ini megys gwlith,
Rho wír adfywiad yn ein plith;
  Ireiddia'r cras,
      prydfertha'r crin,
  Gwna ddwyfol waith
      trwy'th nefol rin.

Fel lili, gwna i Israel fod,
Yn teg flodeuo er dy glod,
  A gwasgar wnelo'i ffrwythau mad,
  Eu perarogledd dros y wlad.

Fel olew-wydd ei thegwch fo,
Fel Libanus yn harddwch bro,
  Ei cheingciau'n cerdded ar bob pryd,
  A'i gwraidd yn lledu dros y byd.
J Gwyndud Jones 1831-1926

Tôn [MH 8888]: Ernan (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

(I shall be like dew)
O God! be to us like dew,
Give true revival in our midst;
  Freshen the parched,
      beautify the withered,
  Do divine work
      through thy heavenly merit.

Like a lily, make Israel be
Fairly flowering for thy praise,
  And may its renowned fruits scatter
  Their sweet aroma across the land.

Like olive-trees may its fairness be,
Like Lebanon as a vale of beauty,
  Its branches walking all the time,
  And its roots spreading over the world.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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