O Dduw llewyrcha ar Brydain fawr

(Salm LXVII - Llwyddiant y Deyrnas,
a chynnydd yr Eglwys.)
O Dduw, llewyrcha ar Brydain fawr
  A disglair wawr grâs nefol;
Datguddia'th nerth trwy'n parthau i gyd
  A'th wyneb hyfryd siriol.

Ynghanol hon ein hynys ni
  Bydd harddwch ini ac urddas;
Ac megis mûr o gaerog dân
  Tyr'd amgylchyna'n teyrnas.

Pa pryd y bydd i Enw ein Iôr
  O fôr i fôr ymdaenu?
A phobloedd pell adnabod Duw,
  Eu prynwr byw, a'i garu?

Chwi wledydd pell molwch yr Iôn
  A llafar dôn yn barchus;
Uwchlaw pob gwlâd rhoed Brydain glôd
  A thafod gorfoleddus.

Coroni'n hynys ni mae Duw
  Ag amryw hyfryd roddion;
Danfon y mae bob awr i'n plith
  (Fel gwlith) ei hael fendithion.
Salmau a Hymnau (Casgliad R Ellis) 1817

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(Psalm 67 - The Success of the Kingdom,
and increase of the Church.)
O God, shine on great Britain
  With the radiant dawn of heavenly grace;
Reveal thy strength through all our regions
  With thy delightful cheerful face.

In the middle of this island of ours
  Be beauty to us and dignity;
And like a wall of stony fire
  Come encompass our kingdom.

When shall the Name of our Lord be
  Spreading from sea to sea?
A distant peoples know God,
  Their living redeemer, and love him?

Ye distant lands praise ye the Lord
  With a loud tune reverently;
Above every land may Britain render acclaim
  With a jubilant tongue.

Crowning our island is God
  With various delightful gifts;
Sending he is every hour amongst us
  (Like dew) his generous blessings.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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