O Dduw mewn pechod darfu i'm gael

Lord I am vile conceived in sin

(Pechod gwreiddiol a gweithredol yn cael ei gyfaddef)
O Dduw mewn pechod darfu i'm gael,
F'ymddwyn a'm geni'n aflan gwael,
  Tarddais i maes o lwynau'r dyn,
  Trwy'i gwymp a'n
      llygrodd bob yr un.

Pan gynta' anadlom fywyd gwan,
Hâd pechod marwol, tyf i'r lan;
  Dy ddeddf, perffeithrwydd a fyn hi,
  Ond y'mhob rhan halogwyd ni.

Duw mawr, rho galon newydd im',
Ac ysbryd pur, heb ddichell ddim:
  O gwna fi'n ddoeth i wel'd o hyd, 
  Fy mherygl, a'm iachâd mewn pryd. 

Gwel, cwympo'r wyf o'th flaen, fy Nuw,
Dy râs, fy unig noddfa yw:
  Nid ffurfiau allanol 'all lanhau
  Y gwahanglwyf, o'm mewn y mae.

Nid gwaed aderyn,
    na gwaed ych,
Nac isop, nac offeiriad gwych,
  Na nant rhedegog, môr, na lli',
  All olchi fy halogrwydd i.

Iesu, fy Nuw, i'th waed y mae
Digonol allu i'm glanâu;
  A hwn a'm gylch
      fel eira gwyn,
  Ni wnai'r aberthau gynt mo hyn.

Tra blino euogrwydd fi'n un wedd,
I'm cnawd a'm henaid nid oes hêdd:
  Duw, d'wed it' faddeu fy holl fai,
  Gwna'm hesgyrn drylliog lawenâu.
i wel'd o hyd :: i wel'd mewn pryd
iachâd mewn pryd :: iachâd o hyd
isop :: yssop

cyf. Psalmau Dafydd 1775

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(Original and actual sin confessed)
O God in sin I was got,
My behaviour and my birth uncleanly base,
  I sprang out of the loins of the man,
  Through his fall that
      corrupted us every one.

When first we breathed weak life,
The seed of mortal sin, grow up;
  Thy law, it insists on perfection,
  But in every part we were defiled.

Great God, give a new heart to me,
And a pure spirit, without any guile:
  O make me wise to see always,
  My peril, and to be healed in time.

See, falling I am before thee, my God,
Thy grace, my only refuge is:
  'Tis not outward forms that can cleanse
  The leprosy, within me it is.

'Tis not the blood of birds,
    nor the blood of oxen,
Nor hyssop, nor a brilliant priest,
  Nor a running stream, sea, or flood,
  That can wash my defilement.

Jesus, my God, thy blood has
Sufficient power to cleanse me;
  And this shall surround me
      like white snow,
  The former sacrifices would not do this.

While guilt grieves me in the same way,
For my flesh and my soul there is no peace:
  God, say thou forgivest my whole fault,
  Make my broken bones rejoice.
to see always :: to see in time
healed in time :: healed always

tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

(Original and actual sin confessed)
Lord, I am vile, conceived in sin;
And born unholy and unclean;
  Sprung from the man whose guilty fall
  Corrupts the race,
      and taints us all.

Soon as we draw our infant breath,
The seeds of sin grow up for death;
  Thy law demands a perfect heart,
  But we're defiled in every part.

Great God, create my heart anew,
And form my spirit pure and true;
  O make me wise betimes to spy
  My danger and my remedy.

Behold, I fall before thy face;
My only refuge is thy grace:
  No outward forms can make me clean
  The leprosy lies deep within.

No bleeding bird,
    nor bleeding beast,
Nor hyssop branch, nor sprinkling priest,
  Nor running brook, nor flood, nor sea,
  Can wash the dismal stain away.

Jesus, my God, thy blood alone
Hath power sufficient to atone;
  Thy blood can make me
      white as snow
  No Jewish types could cleanse me so.

While guilt disturbs and breaks my peace,
Nor flesh nor soul hath rest or ease;
  Lord, let me hear thy pard'ning voice,
  And make my broken bones rejoice.

Isaac Watts 1674-1748

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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