O Dduw y cariad Brenin hedd

O God of love O King of peace

O! Dduw y cariad, Brenin hedd,
Cymell y byd i weinio'r cledd;
  Cynddaredd dynion ffrwyna Di;
  Rho hedd drachefn, rho hedd i ni.

Cofia dy hen weithredoedd, Iôn,
Y clywsom gynt ein tadau'n sôn;
  Na chofia frychau'n pechod du;
  Rho hedd drachefn, rho hedd i ni.

Ar bwy hyderwn, Arglwydd, byth,
Ond arnat Ti, a'th air dilyth;
  Ni siomwyd neb a'th geisiodd Di;
  Rho hedd drachefn, rho hedd i ni.

Lle trig y saint a'r engyl fry
Fe glymir pawb mewn cariad cu;
  Rhwym ni â'th nefol gadwyn Di;
  Rho hedd drachefn, rho hedd i ni.
cyf. J W Wynne Jones 1849-1928

Tôn [MH 8888]: Eden (Timothy B Mason 1801-61)

O God of love, King of peace,
Compel the world to sheath the sword;
  The wrath of men rein thou;
  Give peace again, give me to us.

Remember thy old deeds, Master,
That we heart of old our fathers mention;
  Remember not the spots of our black sin;
  Give peace again, give me to us.

Of whom should we boast, Lord, ever,
But of Thee, and of thy unfailing word;
  No-one was disappointed who sought Thee;
  Give peace again, give me to us.

Where dwell the saints and the angels above
All shall be bound in dear love;
  Bind us with Thy heavenly chain;
  Give peace again, give me to us.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion
O God of love, O King of peace,
Make wars throughout the world to cease;
  The wrath of sinful men restrain,
  Give peace, O God, give peace again!

Remember, Lord, Thy works of old,
The wonders that our fathers told;
  Remember not our sin’s dark stain,
  Give peace, O God, give peace again!

Whom shall we trust but Thee, O Lord?
Where rest but on Thy faithful Word?
  None ever called on Thee in vain,
  Give peace, O God, give peace again!

Where saints and angels dwell above,
All hearts are knit in holy love;
  O bind us in that heavenly chain!
  Give peace, O God, give peace again!
1861 Henry Williams Baker 1821-77

Tunes [MH 8888]:
Hesperus (Henry Baker 1835-1910)
Maryton (H Percy Smith 1825-98)
Rockingham (Edward Miller 1735-1807)
St Gregory (Johann B König 1691-1758)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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