O ddwyfol Air o'r nefol wlad

Verbum supernum prodiens

O ddwyfol Air o'r nefol wlad,
Yr Hwn genedlwyd gan y Tad,
  A anwyd yn ei gyflawn bryd,
  I fod yn nawdd i euog fyd;

Goleua ein calonau ni,
Rho ynddynt dân Dy Gariad Di,
  Fel, tra y clywom lef Dy ras,
  Y cilio draw ein pechod cas.

A phan, fel Barnwr, deui Di,
I fanwl chwilio'n gweithred ni -
  Gan gospi'r drwg weithredwyr cudd,
  A dwyn y da i wlad y dydd -

Na thafler ni pryd hyn mwn gwg,
Am haeddiant beiau gyda'r drwg;
  Ond gyda'r glân fendigaid lu
  Cyfranog fôm o'r nefoedd fry.

I'r Tad, a'r Mab byth fyddo'n bod
Y mawl, y parch,
    y nerth, a'r clod,
  Yng nghyda'r gwir Ddiddanydd Glân,
  I dragwyddoldeb, heb wahân.
cyf. (o'r Lladin) William Morgan (Penfro) 1846-1918

[Mesur: MH 8888]

O divine Word from the heavenly land,
Who wast begotten by the Father,
  And born in his fulfilled time,
  To be a protection for a guilty world;

Lighten our hearts,
Put in them the fire of thy love,
  That, while we hear the call of thy grace,
  Our detestable sin retreat yonder.

And when, like a Judge, thou dost come,
To closely examine our deeds -
  Punishing the hidden evil-doers,
  And bringing the good to the land of day -

May we not then be cast in a frown,
For the deserts of faults with the evil;
  But with the holy blessed throng
  Participants may we be of heaven above.

To the Father, and the Son may forever be
The praise, the reverence,
    the strength, and the acclaim,
  Together with the true Holy Comforter,
  For eternity, without division.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion
(During Matins, For Advent.)
O heavenly Word, Eternal Light,
Begotten of the Father's Might,
  Who in these latter days art born
  For succour to a world forlorn.

Our hearts enlighten from above,
And kindle with Thine own true love,
  That we, who hear Thy call today,
  May cast earth's vanities away.

And when as Judge Thou drawest nigh
The secrets of our hearts to try,
  When sinners meet their awful doom,
  And Saints attain their heavenly home;

O let us not, for evil past,
Be driven from Thy Face at last,
  But with the blessed evermore
  Behold Thee, love Thee, and adore.

To God the Father, God the Son,
And God the Spirit, Three in One,
  Praise, honour, might
      and glory be
  From age to age eternally.
tr. John M Neale 1818-66
Hymns Ancient and Modern 1889

from the Latin:
Verbum supernum prodiens

Thomas Aquinas 1225–74

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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