O ddwyfol ras yr Iesu

(Yr Addewidion)
  O! ddwyfol ras yr Iesu
  At wael golledig deulu,
Anfeidrol foroedd o fwynhad
  Yn gariad heb ei haeddu;
  Mae cyfoeth mawr Ei galon
  O fewn Ei addewidion,
A throdd hyfrydwch Nef i gyd
  Yn fywyd i farwolion.

  Addawodd drwy Ei haeddiant
  Gysuron a gogoniant,
Ac o'i fwriadau Ef Ei Hun
  Ni throdd yr un yn fethiant;
  Cyflawnder Ei fendithion
  Yw manna'r pererinion,
Ac mae'r Diddanydd yn parhau
  Ar lwybrau'r addewidion.

  Pan yw y nef yn duo,
  A'r stormydd yn fy nghuro,
Af i Galfaria ar Ei ôl,
  Mae hedd tragwyddol yno;
  Mae barnau y dialydd
  Yn ddistaw ac yn llonydd,
A'r addewidion ar y Bryn
  Yn disgyn yn gawodydd.

  Mi garaf fy Anwylyd,
  Efe yw nerth fy mywyd,
A diogel yn Ei gysgod mwy
  Nid ofnaf glwy nac afyd;
  O gyrraedd fy ngelynion
  Yn sŵn Ei addewidion
Ar Bren y Bywyd gwnaf fy nyth
  Am byth uwchben fy nigon.
Evan Rees (Dyfed) 1850-1923

[Mesur: 7787D]

(The Promises)
  O the divine grace of Jesus
  Toward the base lost family!
Immeasurable seas of enjoyment
  As love without its deserving;
  It is the great wealth of his heart
  Within his promises,
That turned all the delight of heaven
  Into life for mortals.

  He promised through his merit
  Comforts and glory,
And from his own intentions
  Not one turned to failure;
  The righteousness of his blessings
  Is the manna of the pilgrims,
And the Comforter is continuing
  On the paths of the promises.

  When heaven is blackening,
  And the storms beating me,
I shall go to Calvary after him,
  There is eternal peace there;
  The judgments of the avenger are
  Quiet and still,
And the promises on the hill
  Descending as showers.

  I love my Beloved,
  His is the strength of my life,
And safe in his shadow evermore
  I shall not fear wound or adversity;
  From the reach of my enemies
  In the sound of his promises
On the tree of life I shall make my nest
  Forever above my sufficiency.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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