O deued pob Cristion cewch gennyf gysuron
O deued pob Cristion i Fethlem yr awron

O deued pob Cristion
    cewch gennyf gysuron,
  Cydganwn o galon i gyd
O glod i'r Mab bychan
    fu ar liniau Mair wiwlan,
  Daeth Duwdod mewn Baban i'r byd;
O ddyfnder rhyfeddod!
    O drefen y Duwdod!
  Tragwyddol gyfamod a fu!
I agor ffordd rasol
    i achub ei bobl
  'Mostyngodd Duw freiniol
        oedd fry:
Mostyngodd mor isel
    dan wreiddyn ein llygredd
  Nes dyfod â'i agwedd fel gwas;
Er llwyted y llety,
    er gwaeled y gwely,
  Fe anwyd yr Iesu trwy ras.

Pan anwyd y Bachgen
    mor siriol fu'r seren,
  Daeth doethion o'r dwyrain cyn dydd;
'Nôl gair y proffwydi
    hwy gawsant yr Iesu
  Yn Geidwad i'n rhoddi ni'n rhydd.
Ond Herod annhirion,
    y gelyn o galon,
  Ac ymddwyn yn greulon a wnaeth:
Ow! Mamau'r babanod,
    fe'u drylliwyd gan drallod
  Wrth ddioddef trwy syndod y saeth;
Er maint ei elyniaeth
    yr oedd trefn iachawdwriaeth
  A'i gallu yn fwy helaeth o hyd;
Er cymaint o gynnwrf
    fwriadai'r hen fradwr
  Byw eto yw Barnwr y byd.

Ni fedraf mewn geiriau
    fyth draethu mo'i wyrthiau,
  Rhy fychain yw doniau pob dyn,
Na'r seintiau sydd uchod,
    yn gwbl 'rwy'n gweled
  Neb ond y Duw hynod ei hun.
Roedd mab y wraig weddw
    ar elor yn farw,
  Fe 'mwelodd â hwnnw mewn hedd,
Fe'i cododd i fyny,
    i'w fam cadd ei roddi
  Yn lle mynd i bydru mewn bedd.
Bryd arall trwy wyrthiau'n
    troi'r dŵr yn win gorau,
  Pam byddwn ni a'n bronnau mor brudd?
Rhown arno ein pwysau,
    er mynd i nos angau
  Cawn olau fel haul hanner dydd.

Wrth gofio am ei loesau
    yng ngardd Ge'semane
  Pa galon na ddrylliai yn ddwy?
Er chwerwed y cwpan
    fe'i hyfodd ei hunan:
  Yn lle'r aflan,
        un glân aeth dan glwy'.
Daeth llu o Iddewon
    o dwllwch fel deillion,
  Ei gymryd yn union a wnaed;
Fe'i dygwyd o deirgwaith
    i'w holi'n dra helaeth,
  Dim achos marwolaeth ni chaed;
Ond fel 'roedd yn Feichiau,
    deffroi wnâi'r cleddau
  A'i enaid hyd angau trist oedd,
Ein pechod yn pwyso,
    a Duw yn ymguddio,
  Gan faint oedd yn flino rhoes floedd.

Fe waeddodd, "Gorffennwyd!"
    a'n dyled a dalwyd
  A'n biliau ni a groeswyd gan Grist;
Llawenydd fydd eto,
    a moliant fydd iddo
  Gan filoedd wrth gofio'r awr drist.
Pan ddelo fe â'i Eglwys
    i'r buredig Baradwys
  Ei foli fe'n felys a fydd;
Fe ddaw â'i blant adre
    o'r moroedd a'r beddau,
  Oddi ar angau fe'u rhoddir hwy'n rhydd.
Wrth gofio llawenydd
    sy 'Nghaersalem newydd
  Anghofio 'rwy 'nghystudd yn awr,
'Rwy ynddo'n ymddiried,
    fe'm dwg o'r caethiwed,
  Hiraethaf am weled y wawr.

Rhown glod yn dragywydd,
    daeth hanes ein Harglwydd
  Mewn Testament newydd i ni;
Mae seintiau, angylion,
    cerwbiaid 'run moddion,
  Yn moli'r Iôr cyfion, Dduw Tri;
Dymunwn o galon
    gael meddu'r un moddion
  I foli Duw'n ffyddlon drwy ffydd.
O dyro inni adnabod,
    er camwedd, fod cymod
  Trwy'n Priod cyn darfod ein dydd,
I glirio ein heuogrwydd
    sy'n boen inni beunydd;
  Ein Llywydd o tu draw i'r llen,
Mae hedd yn ei haeddiant,
    rhoi iddo'r gogoniant
  Mae miloedd mewn moliant. Amen.

                - - - - -

O deued pob Cristion
    i Fethlem yr awron
  I weled mor dirion yw'n Duw;
O ddyfnder rhyfeddod,
    fe drefnodd y Duwdod
  Dragwyddol gyfamod i fyw:

Daeth Brenin yr hollfyd
    i oedfa ein hadfyd
  Er symud ein
      penyd a'n pwn;
Heb le yn y llety,
    heb aelwyd, heb wely,
  Nadolig fel hynny gadd hwn.

Rhown glod i'r Mab bychan,
    ar liniau Mair wiwlan,
  Daeth Duwdod mewn baban i'n byd:
Ei ras O derbyniwn,
    ei haeddiant cyhoeddwn
  A throsto ef gweithiwn i gyd.

Tywysog tangnefedd
    wna'n daear o'r diwedd
  Yn aelwyd gyfannedd i fyw;
Ni fegir cenfigen
    na chynnwrf na chynnen,
  Dan goron bydd
      diben ein Duw.

Yn frodyr i'n gilydd,
    drigolion y gwledydd,
  Cawn rodio
      yn hafddydd y nef;
Ein disgwyl yn Salem
    i ganu yr anthem
  Ddechreuwyd ym Methlem, mae Ef.

Rhown glod i'r Mab bychan,
    ar liniau Mair wiwlan,
  Daeth Duwdod mewn baban i'n byd:
Ei ras O derbyniwn,
    ei haeddiant cyhoeddwn
  A throsto ef gweithiwn i gyd.
1840 Jane Ellis

Tonau []:
  O deued pob Cristion (alaw Gymreig,
    trefn. Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)
  Olwen (hen garol,
    trefn. John Thomas Rees 1857-1949)

O let every Christian come
    ye may have comforts from me,
  Let us all sing together from the heart
Of the acclaim to the little Son, who
    was on the knees of holy, worthy Mary,
  Divinity came in a Baby to the world;
O depth of wonder!
    O plan of the Godhead!
  An eternal covenant that was!
To open a gracious way
    to save his people
  Privileged God who was above
        humbled himself:
He humbled himself so lowly
    under the root of our corruption
  Until coming with a servant's attitude;
Despite how dull was the lodging,
    despite our poor was the bed,
  Jesus was born through grace.

When the Boy was born
    how cheerful was the star,
  Wise men came from the east before day;
According to the word of the prophets
    they found Jesus
  As a Saviour to set us free.
But unkind Herod,
    the enemy from the heart,
  Did behave cruelly:
Oh, Mothers of the babies,
    they were broken by trouble
  Suffering through the arrow's suddenness;
Despire the extent of his enmity
    there was a plan of salvation
  And its power more broad yet;
Despite the upheaval
    the old betrayer purposed,
  The Judge of the world still lives.

I cannot in words
    ever expound his miracles,
  Too small are the gifts of every man,
Or of the saints that are above,
    completely I am seeing
  No-one but notable God himself.
The son of the widow woman
    on the bier dead,
  He visited him in peace,
He raised him us,
    to his mother he was given
  Instead of going to decay in the grave.
Another time through miracles
    turning water into the best wine,
  Why should we and out breasts be so sad?
Let us lean upon him,
    although going to the night of death
  We may have light like the sun of midday.

On remembering his anguish
   in the garden of Gethsemane
  What heart would not break in two?
Despite how bitter was the cup
    he drank it himself:
  Instead of the unclean,
        a holy one was wounded.
A host of Jews came
    from the darkness like blind people,
  Taken directly he was;
He was lead for a third time
    to be questioned at length,
  No cause for death was found;
But as he ws our Surety,
    the swords were awakened
  And his soul was sad unto death,
Our sin weighing,
    and God hiding himself,
  So much was grieving him he gave a shout.

He shouted, "It is finished!"
    and our debt was paid
  And our bills were cancelled by Christ;
Joy shall be again,
    and praise shall be unto him
  By thousands on remembering the sad hour.
When he comes with his Church
    to the purified Paradise
  Praising him sweetly shall be;
He shall bring the children home
    from the seas and the graves,
  From death they shall be set free.
On remembering joy
    that is in the new Jerusalem
  I am forgetting affliction now,
I am in him trusting,
    he will bring me from the captivity,
  I am longing to see the dawn.

Let us give acclaim eternally,
    the story of our Lord came
  In a new Testament to us;
Saints, angels,
    cherubim in the same ways, are
  Praising the righteous Lord God Three,
I wish from the heart
    to get to possess the same means
  To praise our faithful God through faith.
O grant us to know, despite trespass,
    that there is reconciliation
  Through our Spouse before our day ends,
To clear our guilt
    that is a pain to us daily;
  Our Leader on yonder side of the curtain,
There is peace in his merit,
    Giving unto him the glory
  Are thousands in praise. Amen.

                  - - - - -

O let every Christian come
    to Bethlehem now
  To see how gentle is our God;
O depth of wonder,
    the Godhead arranged
  An eternal covenant to live:

The King of the universe came
    to meet our adversity
  In order to remove our
      penalty and our load;
Without a place in the lodgings,
    without homestead, without a bed,
  A Christmas like this he got.

Render praise to the little Son,
    on the knees of worthy Mary,
  The Godhead came in a baby to our world:
His grace O let us receive,
    his merit let us publish
  And for him let us all work.

The Prince of peace
    will make our earth at last
  A habitable home to live;
Jealousy is not to be nurtured
    nor agitation nor strife,
  Under a crown which will be
      the intent of our God.

As brothers to each other,
    inhabitants of the lands,
  We will get to roam in
      the heyday of heaven;
Our expectation in Salem
    to sing the anthem
  Begun in Bethlehem, He is.
Render praise to the little Son,
    on the knees of worthy Mary,
  The Godhead came in a baby to our world:
His grace O let us receive,
    his merit let us publish
  And for him let us all work.
tr. 2009,23 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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