O deued iachawdwriaeth gras

1,2,3,5,6,7;  1,3,4,7.
(Hiraeth am y dydd)
O! deued iachawdwriaeth gras
A'i hael drysorau mawr i maes;
  Cymmer allweddau'r nefoedd faith,
  A dadglo'r carchar tywyll, caeth.

'Rwy'n rhwym, 'rwy'n rhwym,
    a'r t'wyllwch mawr
Sydd yn fy nghadw'n llesg i lawr;
  Y leiaf radd o oleu'r dydd
  A ddettyd f'enaid bach yn rhydd.

Pe cawn fy nhraed ar sanctaidd dir,
A gwel'd fy nghartref draw yn glir,
Gelynion fyrdd, nid ofnwn mwy
Y cryfaf un o honynt hwy.

Y gwanaf wyf, y rheita'i ddwyn
O'r defaid gwirion ac o'r ŵyn;
  A diau yw y bydda'i'n ol,
  Oni chwyd y bygail
      fi'n ei gôl.

Er llwfrhau, mi bïau'r dydd,
Marwolaeth Iesu'n fywyd sydd,
  A phoenau'r groes
      - anfeidrol rin,
  Sy'n ddigon trech nag angeu'i hun.

Mae lleiaf loes Iachawdwr drud
Yn llawer mwy na beiau'r byd,
  Un dafn gwaed, un dwyfol glwy',
  Sy'n drymach na'u heuogrwydd hwy.

Wel f'enaid, bellach, tyr'd yn mlaen,
A dechreu'th baradwysaidd gân;
  Aberthwyd pasc,
      tywalltwyd gwaed,
  Fe gliriwyd ffordd i dŷ fy Nhad.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Beza (<1869)
Eisenach (J H Schein 1586-1630)
Mamre (G F Handel 1685-1759)
Margaret (T J Price 1875- )
Melcombe (S Webbe 1740-1816)

gwelir: Daeth arfaeth fawr y nef i ben

(Longing for the day)
O may the salvation of grace come
With its great, generous treasures out;
  To take the keys of the vast heavens,
  And unlock the dark, captive prison.

I am bound, I am bound,
    with the great darkness
Which is keeping feebly down;
  The least degree of the light of day
  Shall loose my little soul free.

If I got my feet on holy land,
And saw my home yonder clearly,
  A myriad enemies, I would fear no more
  The strongest one of them.

The weakest I am, the poorest taken
From the foolish sheep and from the lambs;
  And doubtless I shall be left behind
  Unless the Shepherd lifts
      me to his bosom.

Despite losing heart, I will own the day,
The death of Jesus is life,
  And the pains of the cross
      - an immeasurable merit,
  Is sufficient to overcome death itself.

The least anguish of a precious Saviour is
Much greater than the faults of the world,
  One drop of blood, one divine wound,
  Is heavier than their guilt.

See, my soul, henceforth, come forth,
And begin thy paradisiacal song;
  The Passover was sacrificed,
      blood was shed,
  The way to my Father's house was cleared.
tr. 2016,21 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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