O dewch cydwylwn yma'n awr

O come and mourn with me awhile

(Croeshoeliad Iesu)
O dewch cydwylwn yma'n awr,
Yn ymyl croes ein Harglwydd mawr:
  Cydwylwn âg ef
      yn ei loes -
  Ein Iesu drenga ar y groes.

O wir dosturi wylwn ni,
Tra'r milwyr traws yn gwawdio'i gri;
  Mor addfwyn yntau, er ei loes, -
  Ein Iesu drengu ar y groes.

Arhoswn wrth ei groes o hyd,
Ei waed a olcha'n beiau i gyd:
  Daw hedd i ni
      o'i boen a'i loes -
  Ein Iesu drengu ar y groes.

O gariad Duw! O bechod dyn!
Hyn brofai nerth
    y ddau a'u rhîn,
  Ha! cariad drechodd er y loes,
  Pan drengodd Iesu ar y groes.
efel. David Adams (Hawen) 1845-1923

Tôn [MH 8888]: Penygroes (alaw Ellmynaidd)

(The Crucifixion of Jesus)
O come ye, let us weep together here now,
Beside the cross of our great Lord:
  Let us weep together with him
      in his anguish -
  Our Jesus dies upon the cross.

From true pity we weep,
While the soldiers yonder mock his cry;
  So gentle he, despite his anguish, -
  Our Jesus dies upon the cross.

Let us stay by his cross still,
His blood shall wash all our faults:
  Peace shall come to us
      from his pain and his anguish -
  Our Jesus dies upon the cross.

O love of God! O sin of man!
This proves the strength
    of both and their merit,
  Ha! love overcame despite the anguish,
  When Jesus died upon the cross.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion
O come and mourn with me awhile;
  O come ye to the Savior's side;
O come, together
    let us mourn:
  Jesus, our Love, is crucified!

Have we no tears to shed for Him,
  While soldiers scoff and foes deride?
Ah! Look how patiently He hangs:
  Jesus, our Lord, is crucified!

Seven times He spake seven words of love;
  And all three hours His silence cried
For mercy on
    the souls of men:
  Jesus, our Lord, is crucified!

O love of God! O sin of man!
  In this dread act
      your strength is tried;
And victory remains with love:
  Jesus, our Lord, is crucified!
1849 Frederick William Faber 1814-63

Tune [LM 8888]: St Cross (J B Dykes 1823-76)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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