O De'wch ieuenctyd mae'n llawn bryd

(Galwad ar ieuenctyd)
O De'wch, ieuenctyd mae'n llawn bryd,
Ar frys o ddinas
    dystryw 'nghyd;
  Mae Iesu'n glaw arnoch De'wch,
  Can's yn ei waed
      maddeuant cewch.

De'wch o gaethiwed
    pechod cās,
I ryddid pur efengyl gras;
  Holl gyfoeth Crist
      yr hon a gawn,
  A'n gwisgo ar ei ddelw'n llawn.

Cewch wisgo'n hardd,
    cewch wledda'n rhad,
Ar fanna pur y nefol wlad;
  Cewch air ac Ysbryd
      Crist o hyd,
  I'ch arwain trwy yr anial fyd.

O Arglwydd dwg y'r ie'nctyd mān,
I rodio yn dy ddeddfau glan;
  A gwna hwy'n awr
      yn moreu' hoes,
  I ganlyn Crist, a chodi'r groes.
Caniadau Bethel (Cas. Evan Edwards) 1840

[Mesur: MH 8888]

gwelir: Cysegrwn flaenffrwyth dyddiau'n hoes

(A call on the young)
O come, ye young, it is high time,
Hurriedly from the city
    of destruction together;
  Jesus is calling upon you, Come,
  Since in his blood
      forgiveness you may get.

Come ye from the captivity
    of detestable sin,
To the pure freedom of the gospel of grace;
  All the wealth of Christ,
      this we may get,
  And dressed in his image fully.

Ye may get dressed beautifully,
    ye may get to feast graciously,
On the pure manna of the heavenly land;
  Ye may get the word and Spirit
      of Christ always,
  To lead you through the desert world.

O Lord, lead the young soon,
To walk in thy holy laws;
  And make them now
      in the morn of their age,
  To follow Christ, and lift up the cross.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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