O dew'ch genedloedd dew'ch ymlaen
O dowch genedloedd dowch yn un

(Gwahoddiad i foli yr Arglwydd Iesu)
O dowch genedloedd, dowch yn un,
  Trwy rwystrau maith eu rhi';
A gwir ryfeddwch, tra f'och byw,
  Ddyoddefaint Calfari.

    [Clod diderfyn fo i'r Brenin,
     Ddaeth o Jesse,
             hardd Flaguryn,
     Alpha, Omega, dwyfol wreiddyn,
       Ffynnon bywyd,
               Ffynnon bywyd,
     I rai'n teithio'n
             ngwres y dydd.]

Fe dalodd yr anfeidrol swm
  Fel Meichiau yn ein lle;
Ac felly fe gymmododd holl
  Briodoliaethau'r ne'.

Mae cofio heddyw am ei waed,
  O flaen yr orsedd fry,
Yn creu fath heddwch dwyfol pur,
  I'r holl grediniol ri'.

Fe ddwg ei saint
        i'r euraidd fan
  Y dringodd iddo'i hun;
A hwy gant weled
        dwyfol wedd
  A wisgodd natur dyn.
dowch yn un :: dew'ch ymlaen
Trwy :: Tros
weled dwyfol :: wel'd y dwyfol

William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [8686+88887]: Ashley (Martin Madan 1725-90)

gwelir: Fe ddaw'r blynyddau pur i ben

(Invitation to praise the Lord Jesus)
O come, generations, come as one,
  Through obstacles of a vast number;
And the true wonder, while ever ye live,
  Of the suffering of Calvary.

    [Endless acclaim be to the King,
     Who came from Jesse,
             a beautiful Shoot,
     Alpha, Omega, a divine root,
       A fountain of life,
               a fountain of life,
     To those travelling in
             the heat of the day.]

He paid the infinite sum
  As a Surety in our place;
And thus he reconciled all
  All the attributes of heaven.

Today remembering his blood before
  The throne above, is
Creating such divine, pure peace,
  For all the believing number.

He will bring his saints
        to the golden place
  Where he himself climbed;
And they shall get to see
        the divine countenance
  That wore the nature of man.
come as one :: come on
Through :: Over

tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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