O dyro nerth i'th foli'n fwy

What shall I do my God to love (My Saviour ...)?

(Gweddi y Cristion)
O dyro nerth i'th foli'n fwy,
  Fy Mhrynwr a'm Gwaredwr llon,
Yr hwn ddyoddefaist farwol glwy'
  Dros bawb sydd ar y ddaear hon:
Mae bywyd yn dy angau drud
I mi a holl drigolion byd.

Hiraethu'r ydwyf ddydd a nos
  Am nerth i draethu maes dy glod;
Mynegu haeddiant
    angau loes -
  Yr iawn dros bawb sydd dan y rhod;
A byw er clod
    dy ras, O Dduw,
Nes d'od i'r nefol fyd i fyw.
cyf. Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tonau [8888.88:]: Bremen (Georg Neumark 1621-81)

(The Prayer of the Christian)

O give strength to praise thee more,
  My Redeemer and my cheerful Deliverer,
Thou who didst suffer a mortal wound
  For all who are on this earth:
There is life in thy costly death
For me and all inhabitants of the world.

Longing I am, day and night,
  For strength to set forth thy acclaim;
To express the merit
    of the throes of death -
  The atonement for all under the sky;
And live for the acclaim
    of thy grace, O God,
Until coming to the heavenly world to live.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion
What shall I do my God to love,
  My Saviour, and the world's to praise?
Whose bowels of compassion move
  To me, and all the fallen race;
Whose mercy is divinely free
For all the fallen race, and me.

I long to know, and to make known
  The height and depth of love divine,
The kindness Thou
    to me hast shown,
  Whose every sin was counted Thine:
My God for me
    resigned His breath,
He died, to save my soul from death.
Charles Wesley 1707-88

Tune [8888.88]: Stella (Henri F Hemy 1818-88)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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