O flaen gorseddfainc Iôr y nef

Before Jehovah's aweful throne

(Plygu i Dduw)
O flaen gorseddfainc Ior y nef
  Ymgrymed pawb - eu dyled yw,
Yr unig fythol Dduw yw ef,
  Gall greu, gall ladd, neu gadw'n fyw;
Ei rym, heb ddim o'n cymhorth ni,
  A'n gwnaeth o'r pridd
      yn hardd i gyd,
Ac, er in' grwydro
    'mhell o'i dŷ,
  Fe'n dug yn ol i'w gorlan glyd.

I'th byrth awn oll
    â llawen gerdd,
  Hyd lŷs y nef
      derchafwn gân,
Tafodau fyrdd y ddaear werdd
  Adseiniant fawl
      drwy'th demlau glân.
Lled byd sydd i dy gyfraith bur,
  Maith fythol yw y cariad roi,
Fel craig ddiysgog
    saif dy wir
  Pan beidio rhôdau amser droi.

[I'th byrth awn oll
     â llawen gerdd,
  Hyd lŷs y nef
        derchafwn gân,
 Tafodau fyrdd y ddaear werdd
   Adseiniant fawl
       trwy'th demlau glân.
 Un led â'r byd yw'th gyfraith bur,
   Dy gariad byth nid yw'n ysgoi,
 Fel craig dragwyddol saif dy wir
   Pan fyddo'r nef a'r ddae'r yn ffoi.]
cyf. Cas. o dros 2000 o Hymnau (S Roberts) 1841

Tonau [MHD 8888D]:
Bethesda (Richard S Hughes 1855-93)
Denmark (<1835)
Milan (<1875)

(Bowing to God)
Before the throne of the Lord of heaven
  Let everyone bow - their duty it is,
The only everlasting God is he,
  He can create, can kill, or keep alive;
His power, without any of our help,
  Has made us all beautifully
      from the soil,
And, although we wandered
    far from his house,
  He brought us back to his secure fold.

To his courts let us all go
    with joyful music,
  Up to the court of heaven
      let us raise a song,
A myriad tongues from the green earth
  Resound praise
      throughout thy holy temple.
World wide is thy pure law,
  Everlasting is the love it gives,
Like an immovable rock
    thy truth shall stand
  When the wheels of time cease to turn.

[To thy gates we all shall go
     with joyful music,
   Up to the courts of heaven
        we shall raise a song,
  A myriad tongue for the green earth
    Shall resound praise
        throughout thy holy temple.
 The same world-wide is thy pure law,
   Thy love shall never be moved,
 Like an eternal rock thy truth shall stand
   When heaven and the earth shall flee.]
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion
Before Jehovah's aweful throne,
  Ye nations, bow with sacred joy;
Know that the Lord is God alone:
  He can create, and he destroy.
His sovereign power, without our aid,
  Made us of clay,
      and formed us then;
And, when like wandering
    sheep we strayed,
  He brought us to his fold again.

We'll crowd thy gates
    with thankful songs,
  High as the heavens
      our voices raise;
And earth, with her ten thousand tongues,
  Shall fill thy courts
      with sounding praise.
Wide as the world is thy command,
  Vast as eternity thy love;
Firm as a rock
    thy truth must stand,
  When rolling years shall cease to move.

[We'll crowd thy gates
     with thankful songs,
   High as the heavens
       our voices raise;
 And earth, with her ten thousand tongues,
   Shall fill thy courts
       with sounding praise.
 Wide as the world is thy command,
   Vast as eternity thy love;
 Firm as a rock thy truth must stand,
   When rolling years shall cease to move.]
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tune [LM 8888]: Old Hundredth (Louis Bourgeois 1510-72)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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