O foreu-ddydd y briodas

(Neithior yr Oen)
O foreu-ddydd y briodas!
  O hyfrydaf ddedwydd awr!
Gwel'd wynebpryd y Priodfab!
  Clywed sain y delyn fawr!
Af tan ganu dros y moroedd,
  Hwyliaf tua'r nefol wlad;
Ac anghofiaf hen ganiadau
  Gwag bleserau tŷ fy Nhad.

Nerth os caf, mi frysiaf mwyach
  Tua'm hafaidd wlad fy hun,
Lle mae'm Duw yn gwisgo'n berffaith
  Mewn gogoniant natur dyn:
Na foed i mi gartref bellach,
  Fangre arall ond y ne';
Neb yn Dad, na neb yn Briod,
  Neb yn Arglwydd ond efe.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [8787D]: Breuddwyd (<1876)

  Henffych Iesu'r Duw tragwyddol
  O am nerth i dreulio 'nyddiau
  Mae yr oriau yn fy ngalw
  Y mae gwres o fewn fy mynwes
  Y mae'r oriau yn fy ngalw

(The Marriage-Feast of the Lamb)
O morn of the day of the marriage!
  O most delightful, happy hour!
Seeing the countenance of the Bridegroom!
  Hearing the sound of the great harp!
I will go singing over the seas,
  I will sail towards the heavenly land;
And I will forget the old songs,
  The empty pleasures of my father's house.

If I get strength, I shall hurry henceforth
  Towards my own summery land,
Where my God is, perfectly dressed
  In the glory of the nature of man:
May no other premises be home
  To me henceforth, but heaven;
None as Father, nor anyone as Spouse,
  None as Lord but he.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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