O Frenin mawr y byd

O Frenin mawr y byd,
Amddiffyn Di o hyd
  Deyrn Prydain Fawr;
Ei gorsedd cadarnha,
A'i breiniol law cryfha;
Yn ffyrdd y doeth a'r da
  Dal hi bob awr.

Llewyrched golau hedd
Ar ei brenhinol sedd,
  A'i theyrnas oll;
O! cynnal hi bob awr
 nerth dy allu mawr,
A'th ras fo iddi'n awr
  Yn nawdd di-goll.

Dan ei llywodraeth gref
Aed dylanwada'r nef
  O fôr i fôr;
Boed i'n brenhines ni
Ddyrchaf clod a bri
Dy lân frenhinieth Di,
  O! Arglwydd Iôr.
William Morgan (Penfro) 1846-1918

Tôn [664.6664]: Anthem Genedlaethol / National Anthem
    (Thesaurus Musicus 1744)

O great King of the world,
Defend thou always
  The Realm of Great Britain;
Confirm her throne,
And her royal hand strengthen;
In the ways of the wise and the good
  Keep her every hour.

May the light of peace shine
On her royal seat,
  And all her realm;
O uphold her every hour
With the strength of thy great power,
And may thy grace be hers now
  As an unfailing refuge.

Under her strong government
May the influences of heaven go
  From sea to sea;
May our queen be
Raising the acclaim and renown
Of thy holy kingship,
  O sovereign Lord!
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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