O Galfaria mae fy hedd

1,2,3,4;  1,5.
(Rhinweddau'r groes)
O Galfaria mae fy hedd,
    a fy mywyd,
Ac oddiyno mae fy ngwledd,
    nefol hyfryd:
Ac o tan ei awel wiw,
    fyth arosa'
Ac mi ganaf tra f'wyf byw,

Minau gredaf yn fy Nuw,
    mhriod rhyfedd,
Ag fu'n farw, 'nawr sy'n fyw,
Ac er mwyn ei chwys a'i waed,
    mi wir greda',
Ca'i ngelynion tan fy nhraed,

Mi ymddifyra wrth ei groes,
    yn fy mlinfyd,
Ac mi gofia ei ddwyfol loes,
    nerth fy mywyd:
Yn mhob cystudd a phob gwae,
    mi foddlona',
Y mae'r diwedd yn neshau,

Dedwydd wyf, mi gana' mwy,
    dydd sy'n gwawrio
Pan cai roi'm gelynion glwy',
    sy'n fy mlino:
Nes dod allan o bob pla,
    mi ddysgwylia',
Ac ar fyrder canu wna',

Buddugoliaeth lān a ddaw,
    'mhen ychydig;
Mi ddysgwiliaf oddi draw,
    wrthi 'n ddiddig:
Yn ei allu mae fy ffydd -
    pwy 'm gorchfyga?
Canu 'mhleser inau fydd,
Mi_ymddifyra :: Ymddifyraf

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [7474D]:
Dychweliad (Ellis Edwards 1844-1915)
Gwalchmai (J D Jones 1827-70)
Hornsea (<1835)
Vulpius (Melchior Vulpius c.1560-1615)

gwelir: Y mae'r dyddiau'n dod i ben

(The merits of the cross)
From Calvary is my peace,
    and my life,
And from there is my heavenly,
    delightful feast:
And under its worthy breeze,
    forever I shall stay
And I shall sing while ever I live,

I believe in my God,
    my wonderful spouse,
Who died, who is now alive,
And for the sake of his sweat and blood,
    I shall truly believe,
I shall get my enemies under my feet,

I shall comfort myself at his cross,
    in my grievousness,
And I shall remember his divine anguish,
    the strength of my life:
In every affliction and every woe,
    I shall be satisfied,
The end is drawing nigh,

Happy I am, I shall sing for evermore,
    a day is dawning
When I may give my enemies a wound,
    who are grieving me:
Until coming out of every plague,
    I shall wait,
And shortly sing I shall,

Holy victory shall come,
    In a little while;
I shall wait from yonder,
    For it contentedly:
In his power is my faith -
    Who shall overcome me?
It shall be my pleasure too to sing,

tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

(Victorious Cross)
On the cross He gave me peace,
    And more than life;
To my soul He gave release
    From bitter strife;
And beneath the tender wing
    Of Jehovah
We may come to rest and sing

Shall we ever gain the day?
    Yes, right early;
For we'11 seek and we will pray
    The Almighty
To bring us beneath the wing
    Of Jehovah,
There in sweetest strain to sing

tr. Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English (E T Griffith) 1884

Tune [7474D]: Gwalchmai (J D Jones 1827-70)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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