O garcharorion prudd

(Amynedd dan ddioddefiadau)
  O garcharorion prudd,
    Dysgwyliwn dippin bach;
  Nesau mae'r dedwydd ddydd,
    I'n gwneud ni oll yn iach;
O'n poen a'n pla,
      cawn fyn'd yr wir,
I Salem dir, Aleluia.

  Er dilyn Iesu glân,
    Mewn dioddefiadau maith;
  Mewn dyfnder dw'r a thân,
    A dyrus anial daith,
O'n poen, &c.

  Er yfed bustl cry',
    O ddwylaw'r anwyl Oen;
  A'r afon ddwfn ddu,
    O gystudd ing a phoen,
O'n poen, &c.

  Yn ddyfal 'drychwn draw,
    Am waredigaeth lawn;
  Cawn fod i maes o law,
    Yn ogoneddus iawn;
O'n poen, &c.

  Er bod annuwiol fyd,
    Ellyllon uffern gâs,
  Bob munud awr â'u bryd
    Am lwyr ddifetha'm grâs;
O'n poen a'n pla,
      cawn fyn'd yr wir,
I Salem dir, Aleluia.
dippin :: ronyn

William Williams 1717-91
Aleluia 1749

Tôn [66688]: Grove (<1811)

(Patience under sufferings)
  O sad prisoners,
    Wait a little while;
  Approaching is the happy day,
    To make us all whole;
From our pain and our plague,
      we can go truly,
To the land of Salem, Alleluia.

  Although following holy Jesus,
    In vast sufferings;
  In deep water and fire,
    And a troublesome desert journey,
From our pain, etc.

  Despite drinking strong bile,
    From the hands of the beloved Lamb;
  And the deep black river,
    Of affliction and pain,
From our pain, etc.

  Devotedly we look yonder,
    For full deliverance;
  We shall get to be soon,
    Very glorious;
From our pain, etc.

  Although an ungodly world,
    Demons of detestable hell,
  Are every minute with their intention
    To completely destroy my grace,
From our pain and our plague,
      we can go truly,
To the land of Salem, Alleluia.

tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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