O gariad O gariad anfeidrol ei faint

1,(2,3),4,5;  1,2,3,(5,(6),4);  1,3,4,(5,(7,8,9)); 1,4.
(Rhinwedd Marwolaeth yr Oen)
(Cariad mwy na hwn nid oes gan neb)
O gariad, O gariad
    anfeidrol ei faint
Fod llwch mor annheilwng
    yn cael y fath fraint;
  cael heddwch cydwybod,
      a'i chlirio drwy'r gwaed,
  A chorff y farwolaeth,
      sef pechod, dan draed.
Nid oes ond y ffynnon
    anfeidrol ei rhîn,
A'm gylch fel yr eira,
    mae i'm genau fel gwin;
  Ei phrofi'n sylweddol,
      effeithiol trwy ffydd,
  A'm dwg yn ddiogel
      drwy'r rhyfel yn rhydd.
Ni allai'r holl foroedd
    byth olchi fy mriw
Na gwaed y creaduriaid
    er amled eu rhyw;
  Ond gwaed y Meseia
    a'i gwella'n ddi-boen:
  Rhyfeddol yw rhinwedd
    marwolaeth yr Oen.
Cydganed y ddaear
    a'r nefoedd ynghyd
Ogoniant tragwyddol
    i Brynwr y byd;
  Molianned pob enaid
      fy Arglwydd ar gân
  Am achub anhydyn
      bentewyn o'r tân.
Mae'r Jwbil dragwyddol
    yn awr wrth y drws
Fe gododd yr heulwen,
    ni gawsom y tlws;
  Daw gogledd a dwyrain,
      gorllewin a de,
  Yn lluoedd i foli
      Tywysog y ne'.
Cawn wared o'n hadfyd,
    a'n gofid i gyd,
Pob terfysg, a dwndwr,
    a chynnwrf y hyd;
  'Ddaw blinder na thrallod,
      na phechod na phoen,
  Na gelyn, na gormes
      i fynwes yr Oen.
O ryfedd fawr gariad
    Mab Duw at y byd,
Pan ddaeth ef o'r nefoedd
    i'n prynu mor ddrud;
  Myfyriwn i gofio
      am gariad Mab Duw,
  A'i foli'n wastadol
      tra byddom yn byw.
Fe ddug ar y Croesbren
    ein pechod bob un,
Fe'n golchodd o'n beiau
    â'i wir Waed ei hun,
  Fe'n gwnaeth yn frenhinol
      offeiriaid i Dduw:
  Moliannwn yr Iesu
      tra byddom yn byw.
Gogoniant a gallu
    a diolch bob pryd
A fo i'r Lân Drindod
    am pryniad mor ddrud;
  Boed mawrglod a moliant
      i'n Prynwr a'n Pen,
  A dweded pob Cristion
      yn wastad, Amen.
chlirio :: chànu
drwy'r gwaed :: trwy'r gwaed
chorff :: chorph
sef pechod :: sef llygredd
Ni allai :: Nid allai :: Nis gallai
creaduriaid :: cre'duriaid
Meseia :: Messiah
a'i gwella :: a'm gwella
Ogoniant tragwyddol :: I roddi gogoniant
Cydganed :: Cyduned
fy Arglwydd :: yr Arglwyd'i
anhydyn :: annheilwng
Jwbil :: Jiwbil :: Jubil :: Iwbil
haulwen :: heulwen
Daw :: Doed

1, 2: Grawn-Syppiau Canaan 1795, 1805.
3,4,5: Morgan Rhys 1716-1779
6 : Grawn-Syppiau Canaan 1829
7,8,9: Rhys Prichard 1579-1644

Tonau []:
Gallestr (<1829)
Gorton (<1897)
Hanover (William Croft 1678-1727)
  Holborn (<1835)
Joanna (alaw Gymreig)
Paderborn (Paderborn Gesangbuch 1765)
Schubert (Franz P Schubert 1797-1828)
Wareham (William Knapp 1698-1768)

  Clywch adrodd mawr gariad Mab Duw ar y byd
  Mi ge's y Ffrynd goreu fyth fyth all'sai fod
  Ni allai'r holl foroedd byth olchi fy mriw
  O Ryfedd fawr gariad Mab Duw at y byd

(The Virtue of the Death of the Lamb)
(Greater love than this has no-one)
O love, O love
    of immeasurable extent
That dust so unworthy
    get such a privilege;
  Get peace of conscience,
      and its cleansing through the blood,
  With the body of death,
      that is sin, under foot.
There is nothing but the fount
    of immeasurable virtue,
Around me like the snow,
    that is like wine to my mouth;
  Its experience substantial,
      effective through faith,
  Which leads me safely
      through the battle to become free.
All the seas cannot
    ever wash my bruise
Nor the blood of creatures
    though so plentiful their kinds;
  But the blood of the Messiah
      which makes it better painlessly:
  Amazing is the virtuous
      death of the Lamb.
Let the earth join to sing
    together with the heavens
The eternal glory
    of the Redeemer of the world;
  Let every soul praise
      my Lord in song
  For saving an obstinate
      brand from the fire.
The eternal Jubilee is
    now at the door
The sun has risen,
    so lovely we never had;
  North and east will come,
      west and south,
  In multitudes to praise
      the Prince of heaven.
We will get deliverance from our adversity,
    and all our trouble,
Every tumult, and din,
    and commotion at length;
  No weariness or tribulation shall come,
      nor sin nor pain,
  Nor enemy, nor oppression
      to the bosom of the Lamb.
O great wonder of the love
    of the Son of God towards the world,
When He came from the heavens
    to redeem us in so dearly;
  Let us contemplate to remember
      the love of the Son of God,
  And to praise him continually
      while ever we live.
He took to the wooden Cross
    our sin every one,
He washed us from our faults
    with His own true Blood;
  He made us royal
      priests to God:
  Let us praise Jesus
      while ever we live.
Glory and power
    and thanks every time
Be to the holy Trinity
    for a redemption so costly;
  And let great acclaim and praise be
      to our Redeemer and our Head,
  And let every Christian declare
      forever, Amen.
cleansing :: bleaching
that is sin :: that is corruption
:: ::
which makes it better :: which makes me better
Let ... join to sing :: Let ... agree
The eternal glory :: To render glory
obstinate :: unworthy
:: :: ::
(No ... ) shall come :: Let (no ... ) come

tr. 2009,12 Richard B Gillion

(Peace in the Blood)
I know not how great is
  The love of my God,
That one so unworthy
  Was saved by the blood;
I know that my conscience
  Is quiet and free,
Through the death of my Saviour,
  Who suffered for me.

The waters of oceans
  Could wash not the stain,
Nor blood of all creatures
  On earth altars slain;
But the blood of Messiah
  From sin will make free;
No refuge, no safety,
  Elsewhere can I see.
In our Redeemer
  Let heaven and earth boast,
For Christ is my Saviour,
  I ne'er can be lost;
By Christ will I conquer,
  To Him will I sing,
To Jesus, my Saviour,
  Jehovah, my King.






tr. Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English (E T Griffith) 1884

Tune []: Joanna (Welsh air)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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