O Grist dilynaf di

O I will follow Thee

(Hanes y Groes
Rhan V - Yr Ateb)
O Grist, dilynaf di
  Trwy'r anial mawr,
Fy seren yn y nos
  Hyd y wawr.

Mi ddygaf i dy groes
  O ddydd i ddydd,
Os caf i weld dy wedd,
  Ysgafn fydd.

Gwna fi, fy Ngheidwad mawr,
  Yn eiddot ti,
Yn dy gymdeithas mae
  Hedd i me.

Bydd gyda mi trwy f'oes,
  Fy Ngheidwad mawr,
Bydd gyda mi pa dyr
  Bore wawr.
cyf. David Lewis (Ap Ceredigion) 1870-1948

Tôn [6463D]: Bridgwater (alaw Seisnig)


Rhan I (Y Gofyniad)
Gwel ef â'i wisg yn goch
Rhan II (Yr Ateb)
Dringwch i Galfari
Rhan III (Hanes y Groes)
Fe'th welwn ar y groes
Rhan IV (Cenadwri'r Groes)
Ti blentyn ing fy mron

(The Story of the Cross
Part 5 - The Response)
O Christ, I will follow thee
  Through the great desert,
My star in the night
  Until the dawn.

I will bear thy cross
  From day to day,
If I get to see thy countenance,
  Light it shall be.

Make me, my great Saviour,
  Thine own possession,
In thy fellowship there is
  Peace for me.

Be thou with me throughout my life,
  My great Saviour,
Be thou with me when
  The morning dawn breaks.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion
(The Story of the Cross
Part V - The Resolve)
O I will follow Thee,
  Star of my soul!
Through the great dark I press
  To the goal.

Yes, let me know Thy grief,
  Carry Thy cross,
Share in Thy sacrifice,
  Gain Thy loss.

Daily I'll prove my love,
  Through joy and woe;
Where Thy hands point the way,
  There I go.

Lead me on year by year,
  Safe to the end,
Jesus, my Lord, my life,
  King and friend.
Edward Munroe 1815-66
    revised by
Mabel Dearmer 1872-1915 (The English Hymnal 1906)

Tune [6463]: Hanes y Groes / Story of the Cross
    (Alfred E Redhead 1855-1937)

Tunes [6463D]:
Bridgwater (alaw Seisnig)
Hanes y Groes / Story of the Cross (Arthur H Brown 1830-1926)

see also:
  Part I (The Question)
In his own raiment clad
  Part II (The Answer)
Follow to Calvary
  Part III (The Story of the Cross)
On the cross lifted
  Part IV - (The Message of the Cross)
Child of my grief and pain

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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