O Gristion gwan paid llwfrhau

(Megys dy ddyddiau, y bydd dy nerth. Deut. xxxiii. 25.)
O! Gristion gwan! paid llwfrhau,
Mae modd it' fyw
    er maint dy fai;
  Mae'r Hwn fu farw yn dy le
  Yn eiriol drosot yn y ne'.

O! gristion gwan! paid llwfrhau,
Mae pen y bryn yn agosâu;
  Er bod y rhiwiau yma'n serth,
  Yn ol dy ddydd
      y bydd dy nerth.

O! gristion gwan! paid llwfrhau,
Mae tŷ dy Dad yn agosâu;
  Os cario'r cledd
      'rwyt yn dy law,
  Cei'r palmwydd gwyrdd
      yr ochr draw.

O! gristion gwan! paid llwfrhau,
Mae'th gam diweddaf iti nesâu,
  Er bod yr yrfa yma'n faith,
  Cei goron aur
      ar ben dy daith.
Joseph Harris (Gomer) 1773-1825

Tôn [NH 8888]: Babylon (Thomas Campion 1567-1620)

(As thy days, so shall be thy strength. Deut. 33:25.)
O weak Christian, do not lose heart!
There is a way for thee to live
    despite thy fault;
  He who died in thy place is
  Interceding for thee in heaven.

O weak Christian, do not lose heart!
The summit of the hill is drawing near;
  Although the hills here be steep,
  According to thy days
      shall be thy strength.

O weak Christian, do not lose heart!
Thy Father's house is drawing near;
  If carrying thy sword
      thou art in thy hand,
  Thou shalt get the green palms
      on yonder side.

O weak Christian, do not lose heart!
Thy last step is drawing near,
  Although the course here be long,
  Thou shalt get the gold crown
      at the end of thy journey.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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